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  Baldwin - History
Parents > United States > Alabama > AL Counties > Baldwin  
Established December 21, 1809
Disbanded Still Active
Last ModifiedRP May 02, 2024 12:24pm
DescriptionAs a governing body, the Baldwin County Commission sits as a policy-making Board for its formal regular meetings the first and third Tuesday of each month (or as otherwise posted) in the County Commission Chambers at the Baldwin County Administration Building, located at 322 Courthouse Square, at the County Seat, in Bay Minette, Alabama. Each member of the Baldwin County Commission exercises one vote, with a simple majority approving policy initiatives.


December 10, 1868 -

BALDWIN lost to creation of ESCAMBIA, and lost to MONROE. (Ala. Acts 1868, reg. sess., no. 34, sec. 1/p. 397)

December 21, 1832 - December 10, 1868

BALDWIN gained from MOBILE. (Ala. Acts 1832, ann. sess., no. 50/p. 94)

December 16, 1820 - December 21, 1832

BALDWIN exchanged with MOBILE and MONROE. (Ala. Acts 1820, 2d sess., p. 104)

May 29, 1820 - December 16, 1820

[by 29 May 1820] BALDWIN lost to Mississippi when surveyors demarcated the southern segment of the Alabama-Mississippi line, fixing the end point 10 miles east of the Pascagoula R. (Van Zandt, 108-109)

December 13, 1819 - May 29, 1820

BALDWIN gained from CONECUH and MONROE. (Ala. Acts 1819, 1st sess., secs. 1, 3-4, 19, 34/pp. 50-51, 54, 56; Ala. Rpts., 215:640).

February 07, 1818 - December 13, 1819

BALDWIN gained all of Non-County Area 3 (formerly part of GREENE, Miss.). (Ala. Terr. Acts 1818, 1st sess., p. 21)

December 21, 1809 - February 07, 1818

BALDWIN created by Mississippi Territory from WASHINGTON. (Toulmin, Digest, ch. 3/pp. 81-82; Miss. Terr. Stat., pp. 96-97)

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