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Ames Straw Poll (Iowa Straw Poll)
Parents |
> United States > Iowa > President
Website | http://www.iowagop.net/ |
Established | August 01, 1979 |
Disbanded | June 12, 2015 |
Contributor | ScottĀ³ |
Last Modified | IndyGeorgia January 20, 2017 12:09am |
Description |
From Wikipedia [Link] ...
"The Ames Straw Poll is a straw poll that takes place in Ames, Iowa on a Saturday in
August of years in an election cycle in which the Republican presidential nomination
is undecided (that is, in years without an incumbent Republican President running for
re-election). Though several different pre-Iowa Caucus straw polls take place in Iowa,
the Ames Straw Poll is by far the most prominent one of them, because it draws voters
from all over the state rather than just the local area, and is thus also commonly known
as the Iowa Straw Poll. (Ames is located near the geographic center of Iowa, making
travel there more convenient.)
The Ames Straw Poll was first held in 1979."
"The poll takes place amongst attendees of a fundraising dinner benefiting the Iowa
Republican Party. The vote takes place after each candidate is given a chance to make
a short speech to the attendees.
Non-Republicans are allowed to vote in the Ames Straw Poll. However, all voters must
be 18 years of age, be legal residents of the state of Iowa, and purchase a ticket to the
fundraising dinner. Voters have their hands stamped or their thumbs dipped in ink
when entering the voting area so that they cannot vote twice. Actual voting is done with
ballots submitted to electronic voting machines."