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  Oglala Sioux Tribe
Executive Committee
Tribal Council
 Tribal Council     

Reservations DETAILS
Parents > United States > Reservations  
Established September 17, 1851
Disbanded Still Active
ContributorThe Oncoming Storm
Last ModifiedJuan Croniqueur April 24, 2023 04:30pm
Description Of all the reservations in the Dakotas, Pine Ridge is the one most noted on the National level. Several possible explanations for this recognition exist. First, in early reservation history Pine Ridge was the site of the 1890 tragedy at Wounded Knee Creek in which most of Chief Big Foot's band of Minneconjou Teton Sioux were annihilated by the Seventh Cavalry. In more recent history, National media attention was focused on the 1973 armed occupation of the community of Wounded Knee by members of the American Indian Movement (AIM). Despite all the adversity encountered by the Oglala they remain a people of vitality, hopefulness, and with their cultural identity intact.

Pine Ridge is home to the Oglala Lakota who are members of a major Sioux division known as the Western or Teton Sioux. Pine Ridge has a tribal membership that totals 17,775. One third of the total population report Lakota as their first language.

Pine Ridge Reservation Districts:

1. Eagle Nest
2. LaCreek
3. Medicine Root
4. Pass Creek
5. Pine Ridge
6. Porcupine
7. Wakpamni
8. White Clay
9. Wounded Knee

Tribal/Agency Headquarters: Pine Ridge, SD
Counties: Bennett, Jackson, Shannon, South Dakota
Enrolled membership: 17,775
Reservation Native Population: 20,806
Labor Force: 10,280
Unemployment rates: 83%
Language: Lakota, English
Lakota Bands: Oglala


Land Status: Acres
Total Area: 2,000,000
Tribal Owned: 706,340
Allotted Owned: 1,064,840
Total Tribal/Allotted Owned: 1,771,180
Government Owned: 1,536
Non-Indian Owned: Not available
Reservoir Taken area: Not available

Terrain: Rolling hills, woodlands, river valleys and creeks dominate the reservation.

Tribal Lands Acres
Agriculture 84,983
Grazing 1,308,064
Forestry 230,729

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