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  Richmond Park
  PartyLiberal Democrats
NameSarah Olney
Votes28,528 (55.38%)
Margin17,155 (+33.30%)
Term07/05/2024 - 07/01/2029

Parliament DETAILS
Parents > United Kingdom > England > London > London  
Established May 01, 1997
Disbanded Still Active
Last ModifiedRBH April 16, 2021 05:24pm
Description This was one of the Liberal Democrats' first gains in south west London in 1997, when Jenny Tonge defeated former Conservative Party chairman, Jeremy Hanley - who had been MP for Richmond and Barnes since 1983. Richmond Park is an outer London seat, fronting the river and sandwiched between Lib Dem Twickenham and Labour Putney. It contains a number of areas bordering on Richmond Park - the largest of London's royal parks and home to part of the Royal Ballet school. It also includes Richmond town centre and the highly desirable residential districts of Richmond, Barnes and Kew, with its Royal Botanical Gardens and Public Record Office. Richmond Palace was built by Henry VII and used as a royal residence until 1650. Richmond Bridge is the oldest of the Thames crossings. Demographically, it's about the same as the national average in terms of ethnic diversity. Two-thirds own their own homes. Unemployment is below average. Politically the Liberal Democrats had been active here at local level before they captured the Parliamentary seat. They controlled the borough council from 1984 to 2002. In 2001 the Tory candidate ran an energetic local campaign along the same lines as the Lib Dems. Ms Tonge is standing down this time and is being replaced by the former London mayoral candidate, Susan Kramer.




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