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  Lewisham Deptford

Parliament DETAILS
Parents > United Kingdom > England > London > London  
Alternate NamesDeptford
Established February 28, 1974
Disbanded July 04, 2024
Last ModifiedRBH May 24, 2024 05:54pm
Description This is a densely populated, inner-city riverfront constituency in south-east London - one of the most deprived in the UK. Forty-five per cent of the population comes from an ethnic minority; there is a large African-Caribbean community and it has the second highest percentage of Chinese people in the country. Deptford has a proud history. Here Elizabeth I came to knight Sir Walter Raleigh. The Golden Hind was berthed here, and in 1593, Christopher Marlowe was killed in a local pub. The name means "deep ford" which once existed across the river Ravensbourne before it widens out into the Thames at Deptford Creek. An area of high density, council housing, such as on the Pepys Estate, Deptford is now seeing gentrification especially around Hilly Fields, Telegraph Hill, in the St John's conservation area and significant private development down by the river. The Pepys Estate itself is to be remodelled. Presently 60% of housing is non-owner-occupied, with half of that being council rented. Unemployment is twice the national average. This is the northernmost of the three seats in the London Borough of Lewisham - a strongly Labour borough and one of the few with an elected Mayor. The Greens do quite well here: GLA member and Green mayoral candidate, Darren Johnson, represents the Brockley ward on Lewisham Council. The sitting MP is Joan Ruddock, former CND chair and first Minister for Women in the 1997 Labour government.



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Dec 12, 2019 04:00pm UK Parliament - Lewisham Deptford  Dec 13, 2019 12:00am