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> United Kingdom > Northern Ireland > Northern Ireland
Established | June 09, 1983 |
Disbanded | Still Active |
Contributor | RP |
Last Modified | RBH April 25, 2010 07:24pm |
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The Foyle seat has at its heart Northern Ireland's second largest city. Its official title of Londonderry is used mainly by Protestants, but Catholics - who make up the majority of its population - refer to it as Derry. As a result, in order to avoid offence to either community, the Boundary Commission named the seat after the River Foyle, which flows through the city. It was the rioting here in 1969 which persuaded the then Home Secretary, James Callaghan, to send troops to Northern Ireland. On 30 January 1972, soldiers from the Parachute Regiment killed 13 marchers during a civil rights rally in the Bogside - an event remembered as Bloody Sunday. A fourteenth man died later in hospital. The SDLP won more than 50% of the vote in 2001, with Sinn Fein in second place. Until 2001, the Ulster Unionists had not run in Foyle for Westminster, giving the DUP a clear run. The present incumbent, the SDLP's John Hume is standing down this time and Sinn Fein will be hoping to take the seat.
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