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  DC Shadow Senate 1
NameAnkit Jain
Votes265,360 (89.94%)
Margin238,392 (+80.80%)
Term01/03/2025 - 01/03/2031

Shadow Government DETAILS
Parents > United States > District of Columbia  
Established January 01, 1990
Disbanded Still Active
ContributorU Ole Polecat
Last ModifiedRBH June 29, 2012 07:51pm
Description This Office is not "officially" recognized by the United States Federal Government. The Office receives no funding. Shadow Representative and Shadow Senator positions were created in 1990 by the DC City Council to dramatize the District's absence of voting representation in Congress. Popularly, the posts are known as �shadow seats� in the U.S. House and Senate.

The office of United States Senator performs advocacy services for the District of Columbia in regard to gaining representation in the United States Congress and statehood by lobbying members of the Senate and House of Representatives. In addition, the Senator often referred to as a "Shadow Senator" when requested, works in concert with the DC Delegate to Congress on legislative matters which affect the city. In performing the duties of the office, the Senator also works with the city administration, the council and the private sector.


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