Parents |
> Russia > Federal Cities
Website | gov.spb.ru |
Alternate Names | Санкт-Петербурге; colloquial: Piter, Petersburg, SPb [Petrograd (1914-1924); Leningrad (1924-1991)] |
Established | May 16, 1703 |
Disbanded | Still Active |
Contributor | Gerald Farinas |
Last Modified | Bojicat September 09, 2024 09:58am |
Description |
Saint Petersburg is the administrative center of Russia's Northwestern Federal District and the nation's second most populous city. City was founded on May 16, 1703 by Tsar Peter I. City was re-established as a Local Self-Government (Местное самоуправление) on the basis of the "Law of Saint Petersburg" (Закон Санкт-Петербурга) adopted on September 23, 2009. City is divided into territorial units, which include 18 administrative-territorial units and municipal entities. 111 intracity municipalities were assigned and distributed among the 18 units of St. Petersburg and given their own flags and coat of arms. These intracity municipalities include 81 municipal districts, 9 cities,
and 21 villages.
 | RACES |
Polls Close |
Description |
Takes Office |
Population |
Demographic |
Amount |
% |
As Of |
Contributor |
Population |
5,601,911 |
100.00% |
Oct 01, 2021 |
Juan Croniqueur |
 | MEDIA |