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  Dominguez, Michael L.
NameMichael L. Dominguez
, Virginia , United States
Born September 04, 1953 (71 years)
ContributorU Ole Polecat
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
May 09, 2023 08:01pm
InfoMichael L. Dominguez is the acting Secretary of the Air Force, Washington, D.C. In this role, he is responsible for the affairs of the Department of the Air Force, including the organizing, training, equipping and providing for the welfare of its more than 360,000 men and women on active duty, 180,000 members of the Air National Guard and the Air Force Reserve, 160,000 civilians, and their families. Mr. Dominguez also serves as Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Washington, D.C. A political appointee confirmed by the Senate, Mr. Dominguez heads a four-division department that deals at the policy level with Air Force manpower and Reserve affairs issues. His areas of responsibility include force management and personnel, equal opportunity and diversity, Reserve affairs and Air Force review boards.

As an Air Force dependent, Mr. Dominguez grew up on bases around the world. After graduating in 1975 from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., he was commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army, reported to Vicenza, Italy, then worked varied assignments with the 1st Battalion, 509th Infantry (Airborne) and the Southern European Task Force. After leaving the military in 1980, Mr. Dominguez went into private business and attended Stanford University's Graduate School of Business. In 1983 he joined the Office of the Secretary of Defense as an analyst for Program Analysis and Evaluation.

Mr. Dominguez entered the Senior Executive Service in 1991 as PA&E's Director for Planning and Analytical Support. In this position he oversaw production of DOD's long-range planning forecast and its $12 billion in annual information technology investments. He also directed the PA&E modernization of computing, communications and modeling infrastructure. He joined the Chief of Naval Operations staff in 1994 and assisted in the Navy's development of multi-year programs and annual budgets. Mr. Dominguez left federal government in 1997 to join a technology service organization. In 1999 he began work at the Center for Naval Analyses where he organized and directed studies of complex public policy and program issues. In 2001 he rejoined the staff of the Chief of Naval Operations where he worked until his appointment.

1975 Bachelor of Science degree, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y.
1983 Master's degree in business administration, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.
1989 Program for Senior Officials in National Security, Harvard University

1. June 1983 - September 1988, program analyst, Office of the Secretary of Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation, Washington, D.C.
2. October 1988 - September 1991, executive assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation, Washington, D.C.
3. October 1991 - September 1994, Director for Planning and Analytical Support, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation, Washington D.C.
4. October 1994 - April 1997, Associate Director for Programming, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C.
5. April 1997 - September 1999, General Manager, Tech 2000 Inc., Herndon, Va.
6. September 1999 - January 2001, Research Project Director, Center for Naval Analyses, Alexandria, Va.
7. January 2001 - August 2001, Assistant Director for Space, Information Warfare, and Command and Control, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C.
8. August 2001 - March 2005, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Washington, D.C.
9. March 2005 - present, acting Secretary of the Air Force and Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Washington, D.C.

1980 Army Commendation Medal
1988 and 1994 Defense Meritorious Civilian Service Medal
1993 Defense Medal for Civilian Service
1997 Medal for Superior Civilian Service, Department of the Navy
1998 Meritorious Executive Presidential Rank Award.


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  03/25/2005 Secretary of the Air Force - Acting Won 100.00% (+100.00%)