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  Skrepenak, Gregory
NameGregory Skrepenak
Address325 West Center Hill Road
Dallas, Pennsylvania 18612, United States
Born 00, 1971 (54 years)
Last ModifedLuzerne County Historian
Oct 23, 2018 09:53pm
Tags Convicted - Imprisoned - Removed From Office - Catholic - Straight -
InfoFrom Luzerne County Website...
"Commissioner Gregory A. Skrepenak was born and raised in Wilkes-Barre, and first gained local and regional recognition while attending G.A.R. High School. While an honor student in the classroom, Greg made his name in scholastic sports. He earned 12 letters as an athlete at G.A.R. in football, basketball, and baseball. In football, he was named an All-scholastic, All-state, and All-American. He scored more than 1,600 points playing basketball for G.A.R., was named a 4-time All-scholastic, was twice named Most Valuable Player in the Wyoming Valley Basketball Conference, and was nominated to McDonald's All-American team. On the baseball diamond, he was a 3-time All-scholastic, and an MVP.

His excellent grades and football ability earned him a scholarship to the University of Michigan. As a Wolverine, Greg was a 2-time All-American, was named "All Big 10" twice, was also named "Big 10 Lineman of the Year" twice, and was recognized for his community service by being named a "Samiaritan All-American." Greg's legacy at Michigan lives on, as he was voted to the Wolverine's "All Century Team" in 2000.

Commissioner Skrepenak's performance at Michigan made him a prime recruit for the National Football League. In 1992, he was drafted by the Los Angeles Raiders, and made his mark by starting in 24 games over 2 seasons. In 1996, the Carolina Panthers signed the Commissioner as a free-agent. He was the only member of the Panthers to start every game in a 2-year period. He has been named to the Panther's All-Time Team. Here at home, he has been inducted into the Luzerne County Sports Hall of Fame, and the Pennsylvania State Sports Hall of Fame.

Upon ending his NFL career, Commissioner Skrepenak returned to Luzerne County, knowing that the family environment and quality of life he cherished as a young man would provide the best foundation for his 3 young children. Greg began a new career as a businessman, and initiated a new effort to "give back" to his community, by helping establish the Gregory A. Skrepenak Foundation, a non-profit organization comprised of volunteers who raise money for needy children and charitable groups.

In November, 2003, the voters of Luzerne County elected Greg as their county Commissioner. He now serves as Chairman of the Luzerne County Commission."


Title Purchase Contributor

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Aug 06, 2010 03:00pm News Skrepenak sentenced to 24 months in prison, fine  Article Scott³ 
Dec 23, 2009 03:00pm News (PA) 68 apply to fill Skrepenak’s slot  Article Scott³ 
Dec 17, 2009 04:00pm News (PA) Skrepenak resigns, signs plea agreement  Article Scott³ 

Importance? 0.00000 Average


  11/06/2007 Luzerne County Board of Commissioners Won 27.29% (+0.00%)
  05/15/2007 Luzerne County Board of Commissioners - D Primary Won 39.55% (+4.10%)
  11/04/2003 Luzerne County Board of Commissioners Won 31.56% (+2.04%)