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  Shoffner, Martha
NameMartha Shoffner
AddressP.O. Box 37
Newport, Arkansas 72112, United States
Website [Link]
Born July 10, 1944 (80 years)
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Apr 09, 2023 05:25pm
InfoMartha Ann Shoffner was born and grew up in Jackson County. Her grandfather, A. E. Shoffner, was one of the first settlers of Jackson County, and the family has been active in agriculture in this area since the 1800’s. Martha’s cousin, Amy Shoffner Young, and her husband Tommy, received the distinction of being named as Jackson County Farm Family of the Year and District Farm Family of the Year in 2001. John and Windy Shoffner have carried on the farming tradition as well as creating Shoffner Research, an organization active in agricultural and chemical research projects in the United States, Mexico, Canada, and Belgium.

Martha’s mother, a retired school teacher, continues to reside in Newport, and at 87 years young, remains active in the church and community. In the early 1970’s, she was selected by the Arkansas Department of Education to assist in writing the Textbook for Arkansas’ Kindergarten Program. Martha has one sister who recently returned to the Newport area from Florida, leaving Martha’s nephew, Scott, a graduate of the University of Florida, to reside in Fort Lauderdale. In addition to Martha’s immediate family, there are also many extended members of the Shoffner clan still residing in Jackson County.

After graduating from Newport High School, Martha attended Memphis State University, now the University of Memphis, and Arkansas State University as an education major. She began her career in the private sector by joining a major Little Rock advertising firm and also became a licensed real estate agent.
Martha’s involvement in public service began as Assistant to the Auditor of State. This position enabled her to work closely with state agencies, state legislators, and other constitutional officers.

In 1996, after being named Jackson County’s Woman of the Year, Martha was elected to represent parts of Jackson, White, Cleburne, and Independence Counties in the Arkansas House of Representatives. During her three terms as State Representative, she served as Chairman of the State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee, and also served as a member of the Joint Budget Committee and the Joint Committee on Retirement and Social Security.

Currently, Martha remains as busy as ever in private business as a licensed real estate agent for Sink Realty in Newport and continues her involvement in public service. She is a member of the Business & Professional Women’s Club, the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Jackson County Humane Society and participates in a local ladies golf organization. As a member of the Newport Chamber of Commerce, Martha is currently working with the State of Arkansas on a community development project for this city. Martha is also an active member of the First Presbyterian Church of Newport, the Reverend Alan Ford, Minister.



Title Purchase Contributor

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
May 20, 2013 04:00pm News Arkansas state treasurer resigns amid charges she took cash payments from broker  Article J.R. 
May 19, 2013 08:00am News FBI confirms [AR] State Treasurer Martha Shoffner's arrest, apparently for official misconduct  Article DFWDem 

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