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  Ellis, Christine
AffiliationWork Less  
NameChristine Ellis
, British Columbia , Canada
Website [Link]
Born Unknown
ContributorUser 13
Last ModifedUser 13
May 15, 2005 07:50pm
InfoChristine Ellis, Work Less Party candidate for North Vancouver-Seymour.

Christine Ellis was born and raised in North Vancouver. As the daughter of an Environmental Engineer father and community oriented mother, Christine grew up with a natural understanding of how community effects the environment. Involved with the community from a young age, Christine participated in Girl Guides, North Vancouver Youth Band and is now the Youth Leader at Mount Seymour United Church. These activities have furthered her understanding of the Cultural, Social and Environmental issues specific to the North Shore.

She is currently a student at Capilano College where she is studying Ecological Economics and working on solutions to the 'sustainability dilemma.' She is also a representative on the colleges Education Council, a director of Capilano Students Union, and sits on the Provincial Executive of the Canadian Federation of Students. She has a sincere connection to the issues facing students, the community and BC's education system.

Christine is a dedicated civil activist working on finding solutions to help our community's transition to an economic system that not only sustains itself but also flourishes. She says, "It's time to really start working on the 'reduce' part of the old slogan 'reduce reuse recycle."

Christine is running in the election because she feels driven to give a political voice to an emerging ecologically aware global civil movement that encompasses all social, political and economic spheres. "It's time that we really dig in and start dealing with the the root causes of the problems our world faces. Our consumer based society is stressing us out and stressing out the planet. It's time to understand that there are limits to what ecosystems can handle and that our economic systems must be contained within those limits. Essentially we must complete the integration of environmental and economic issues and understand that at there root they are the same thing. Our economic system is essentially a human ecological system. The root of both economics and ecology, 'oikos' is holistic by nature meaning the "all encompassing care and management of a household."

Christine's leadership abilities and deep community roots make her a leading candidate for this riding. "For too long economics have been in the hands of the so called experts and a tool of political rhetoric," Christine vows to change that and work to achieve greater efficiency through decreased stress levels, a stronger community base, and logical work allocation coupled with ecological understanding. All of which are fullfilled by the primary policies of the Work Less Party.



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  01/23/2006 BC Parliament - Vancouver East Lost 6.00% (-50.58%)
  05/17/2005 BC Legislative Assembly - North Vancouver-Seymour Lost 0.69% (-56.21%)