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  Marshall, Elaine
<-  2016-04-01  
NameElaine Marshall
Lillington, North Carolina , United States
Website [Link]
 X (Twitter)elaine4nc
Born November 18, 1945 (79 years)
Last ModifedChronicler
May 06, 2020 07:11pm
Tags Caucasian - Married - Methodist - Straight -
InfoElaine Marshall is North Carolina’s Secretary of State. She made history by being the first woman elected to statewide executive office in 1997, when she defeated legendary NASCAR driver Richard Petty, who, less than a year earlier, had been considered virtually unbeatable.

As Secretary of State, Elaine has received international recognition for her efforts to protect copyrights and deter counterfeit goods. The Secretary of State’s office today is a key law enforcement agency protecting consumers, investors, and charitable givers against securities fraud and financial scams. Elaine's commitment to protecting investors and combating financial fraud has in just the past year and a half alone lead to the recovery of over $340 million from major Wall Street banks for North Carolina investors and foundations.

Since taking office, Elaine has cut the costs of doing business for companies and individuals —helping small businesses create jobs. She has taken on lobbyists in Raleigh, reforming North Carolina’s ethics laws. Elaine has also kept North Carolina up to date with improved information technology, making information available to businesses, investors and individuals. Her efforts have made North Carolina one of the most affordable places in the United States to do business.

From Humble Beginnings

Elaine Marshall was born in rural Lineboro, Maryland in 1945. Her father was a farmer who served as a volunteer fire fighter and community leader, while her mother was the organist in the family’s small rural church for more than 60 years.

Elaine earned her law degree from Campbell University in 1981 and distinguished herself as a tough advocate for her clients in the courtroom, where she represented women who were victims of domestic violence. In 1993-1994, Elaine served in the North Carolina Senate, where she was named Rookie of the Year and listed among Legislators to Watch by the News & Observer. In the Senate, s he provided a powerful voice for improving healthcare in North Carolina.

An Advocate for All

Elaine remembers, “When I grew up and became the owner of a small business, I discovered that if I wanted a line of credit, my husband had to go to the bank and apply for the loan—because I was a woman. I witnessed other instances of inequity and discrimination in my community, directed at men, women, children, and families who would have little chance of realizing their dreams.

“So as a lawyer, I stood up for people without a voice. As a citizen, I went to the General Assembly and took on the insurance industry to get coverage for mammograms and Pap Smears. As a member of the North Carolina Senate, I got needed healthcare services, especially for our state’s rural areas. And as Secretary of State, I have made protecting consumers and creating jobs my top priorities.”

Elaine is a member of the Divine Street United Methodist Church in Dunn. She has five step-children and seven grandchildren. In her free time, she enjoys ACC football and basketball, cooking, and gardening.


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Jun 27, 2017 05:30pm Investigation House committee approves impeachment investigation of NC secretary of state  Article RP 

Importance? 6.75000 Average


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