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  Forrest, Peter
Name Peter Forrest
, England , United Kingdom
Born Unknown
ContributorUser 215
Last ModifedUser 215
May 04, 2005 12:43pm

About Peter

Peter has lived in London for nearly 30 years and, together with his wife Daphne, has lived in Hornsey & Wood Green since the mid-1980s. Having left college, Peter joined Royal Mail (now part of the Post Office) as a clerical officer and, after 31 years, retired in 2000 in the rank of Director. Peter was Royal Mail's no.1 turnaround expert: specialising in improving industrial relations and productivity at many of London's largest mail centres.

Peter is a keen mountain walker: in 2004 he completed the most challenging 9 days' section of the famous high-level GR20 traverse in Corsica, often called "Europe's toughest mountain walk". Peter is also a keen skier and cook (the latter much to the delight of his wife, Daphne). They both enjoy travel and entertaining. Peter is a self-taught computer expert... to the irritation of Daphne who has christened his computer 'Jezebel' because Daphne thinks Peter spends too much time gazing lovingly at its screen!

Peter's Experience

For 8 years (1994-2002), Peter was a councillor on Haringey Council. For most of this time he was its high-profile Conservative Group Leader, often appearing in the national and regional media on the many issues affecting this much troubled Labour London borough.

Between 2000-2002, Peter was a leading Conservative member of the Board of LFEPA (London's Fire Authority). Peter was born on a fire station in Sheffield and his father spent 30 years in the service so he relished the opportunity to continue a family involvement.

Peter fought the Labour-held Enfield-Haringey GLA seat in 2000 and 2004, in the latter election losing narrowly (by 1% or only 1,574 votes).

Conservatives - Working for Hornsey & Wood Green

Hornsey & Wood Green Conservatives have a proud campaigning record:

• They led the opposition to the Council’s attempts to bulldoze Controlled Parking Zones into large parts of the borough and played a central role in the successful anti-CPZ campaigns in Bounds Green and Muswell Hill. In Highgate 82% of residents consulted said they did not want a CPZ and local Conservatives were active in their support.

• When the Council proposed the closure of all branch libraries in favour of one jumbo-sized library in Wood Green, Hornsey & Wood Green’s Conservative Councillors were again in the forefront of the successful campaign to block the plan.

• Conservative Councillors lobbied the Secretary of State for Education demanding he intervene over Haringey’s failing Local Education Authority (LEA). Alone of the political Parties in Haringey, they supported the takeover of the LEA by Capita, a highly successful move which saw GCSE 5 A*-C results improve by more than 10% and at long last start to close the gap compared with the national averages.

• Conservatives had long expressed concern about the poor performance of Haringey Social Services. Its Council Group Leader, Peter Forrest, gave written and documentary evidence to assist the Laming Inquiry into the tragic death of Victoria Climbé.

Conservatives are working hard to improve the quality of people’s lives across Hornsey & Wood Green. Their key concerns are violent crime and burglaries, graffiti, road safety and anti-social behaviour caused by pubs’ and clubs’ late-night opening.

Email: peterforrest@btopenworld.com

Website: www.hwgca.org.uk


Title Purchase Contributor

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

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Importance? 0.00000 Average


  05/05/2005 UK Parliament - Hornsey & Wood Green Lost 12.71% (-30.63%)
  06/10/2004 London Assembly - Enfield & Haringey Lost 27.86% (-1.35%)
  05/04/2000 Greater London Assembly - Enfield & Haringey Lost 29.15% (-3.08%)