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  Hackett III, Paul L.
NamePaul L. Hackett III
Indian Hill, Ohio , United States
Website [Link]
Born March 30, 1962 (62 years)
Last ModifedPaul
Dec 01, 2012 01:44am
Tags Caucasian - Married - Marine Corps - Christian - Straight -
InfoFormer Milford City Council Member. Personal injury lawyer. Recently completed a tour of duty in Iraq.

Paul Hackett's life is one of service, commitment, and responsibility.

Paul first became familiar with the people, as well as the nooks and crannies of the seven counties that make up Ohio's 2nd Congressional district, by traveling as a boy with his father, a traveling salesman.

It was his father who taught him to respect this state and this country while his mother taught him that serving your community is fulfilling.

Paul committed to that respect and sense of service by joining the U. S. Marine Corps as a young man. He also committed to his own sense of learning by graduating from law school.

By 1992, Paul had met and married Suzie, and became a part of the Select Marine Corps Reserve and founded his own law firm, Hackett Law Offices.

As an active member of his neighborhood, a husband, and a small business owner, Paul became acutely aware of his community. He was disgusted by many of the things he saw in his own city council meetings and, feeling the need to do his part serving his community, chose to take a more active role by running for, and becoming a member of the Milford City Council, taking charge, and restoring order.

Then and now, Paul is a strong proponent for using our tax dollars responsibly, most notably to provide affordable healthcare, ensuring that our children are delivered a better America. That includes spending less on corporate welfare, and more support for small businesses that are primed to take the next step up the ladder.

Last year, Paul heard the call to service again. As his Marine Corps brothers fought a half world away, Paul could not sit in the comfort of his home and let others do the work he was prepared to do. After a serious discussion with his wife and children, Paul re-upped and joined his marines for a seven month tour with the 1st Marine Division and served as a Civil Affairs officer in Ramadi, took part in the Fallujah campaign and subsequent reconstruction.

When Paul returned only a few weeks ago, he learned of Rob Portman's decision to vacate his congressional seat. Paul Hackett is continuing his service to his country by running for the United State Congress.

As a candidate for the United States Congress, Paul Hackett is fighting for the people of Southern Ohio. Not for the red. Not for the blue. For the red, white and blue.

Paul Hackett is a father, a husband, a small business owner, a Marine, and a candidate for the United States Congress. He would appreciate your vote in the primary election on June 14th, and the general election on August 2nd.



Title Purchase Contributor

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Jan 10, 2007 02:00pm News Hackett part of gun incident  Article None Entered 
Feb 28, 2006 02:00pm Op-Ed by Candidate Culture of careerism scuttled a political bid  Article SC Moose 
Feb 26, 2006 01:10am Opinion [Paul] Hackett's exit wasn't all others' fault  Article COSDem 
Feb 24, 2006 01:00am Blog Entry [Paul} Hackett Changes Story Again  Article COSDem 
Sep 07, 2005 06:00pm News Democrats lobby [Paul] Hackett  Article ArmyDem 
Aug 09, 2005 01:00pm Blog Entry Paul Hackett calls Limbaugh a "fatass drug addict"  Article COSDem 

Importance? 5.66670 Average


  08/02/2005 OH District 2 - Special Election Lost 48.35% (-3.27%)
  06/14/2005 OH District 2 - Special D Primary Won 56.94% (+29.71%)
  05/02/2006 OH US Senate - D Primary Lost 0.00% (-78.11%)
OH District 2 - D Primary - May 04, 2010 D Surya Yalamanchili
PA - District 05 - D Primary - Apr 22, 2008 D Bill Cahir
OH District 10- D Primary - Mar 04, 2008 D Rosemary Palmer
OH US Senate - Nov 07, 2006 D Sherrod Brown