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  Hunter, Duncan L.
NameDuncan L. Hunter
La Mesa, California , United States
Website [Link]
Born May 31, 1948 (76 years)
ContributorWishful Thinking
Last ModifedRBH
Apr 14, 2015 06:27pm
Tags Caucasian - Married - Army - Baptist - Christian - Protestant - Straight -
InfoCongressman Duncan Hunter represents California's 52nd Congressional District consisting of eastern and northern San Diego County. He is a Vietnam veteran, who served in the 173rd Airborne and 75th Army Rangers. In 1973, Hunter attended Western State University Law School in San Diego on the G.I. Bill, while also working at farming and construction. Opening a law office in Barrio Logan San Diego, Hunter assisted many in the Hispanic community free of charge and without government compensation. In 1980, he was asked to run against Congressman Lionel Van Deerlin, an 18-year incumbent, where, in a 2-to-1 Democrat district, Hunter won the Congressional seat.
Hunter's first assignment in Congress was to the House Armed Services Committee, where he continues to serve today as its Chairman. Responsible for a defense budget totaling more than $360 billion, Hunter focuses his national security efforts on providing the President the resources he needs to win the nation's military conflicts, modernization initiatives that quickly move new and effective technologies into the field, making the Department of Defense more efficient by moving resources from redundant and unnecessary bureaucracy to warfighting capabilities, and strongly supporting our nation's military personnel and their families by ensuring that they are well-compensated and well-equipped with safe and effective weapons and equipment. Prior to his current position as Chairman of the full committee, Hunter served as Chairman of the House Military Research & Development Subcommittee from 2001-2002, where he was responsible for overseeing the development and testing of key military systems, weapons programs, and technologies that fulfill military needs. Hunter also served as Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Military Procurement from 1995-2000 where he presided over $60 billion for the acquisition of military weapon systems and components.

Having a district located in the California-Mexico border region, Hunter has made border enforcement a major priority. In 1988, Hunter authored legislation making the military the lead agency in illegal drug interdiction and was successful in obtaining military units for building roads and fencing along the U.S. border with Mexico. Over 40 miles of fencing and border infrastructure have been constructed to date. Additionally, Hunter passed legislation in 1995 to authorize an additional 5,000 Border Patrol agents in response to the Clinton Administration's budget which attempted to cut agency resources. Hunter remains committed to sealing the U.S. border to illegal alien and drug trafficking, ensuring that the region remains safe for communities on both sides of the international boundary.

Hunter's other legislative priorities include fulfilling promises to our nation's veterans, providing tax relief to America's working families, and continuing cleanup efforts at the New River and Salton Sea in Imperial County, which he previously represented for 20 years.

Congressman Hunter and his wife, Lynne, live in Alpine, California. They have two sons, Duncan Duane and Sam, and one grandson, Duncan Lee II.


Title Purchase Contributor

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Jul 23, 2008 09:00pm Idiocy And a Wildebeest in Every Pot  Article RP 
Jan 20, 2008 07:00pm Announcement "Today we end this campaign" Duncan Hunter  Article ev 
Dec 23, 2007 09:00pm Profile Duncan Hunter: Military dad fed up with bureaucracy vows to cause a stir  Article Gerald Farinas 
Mar 01, 2007 03:40pm News [U.S. Rep. Duncan] Hunter drops two advisers after controversial comments  Article Servo 
Oct 29, 2006 04:00pm Announcement Rep. Duncan Hunter Expected to Announce Possible Presidential Bid  Article COSDem 
Oct 23, 2006 09:00pm Statement Republican Lawmaker Wants CNN Reporters Punished for Airing Sniper Video  Article RP 

Importance? 5.37500 Average

Wife Lynne Hunter 00, 0000-
Son Duncan D. Hunter 1976-
Father Robert O. Hunter 1915-2006

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