Affiliation | Liberal Democrats |
Name | Vicki Harris |
Address | Aberdeen, Scotland , United Kingdom |
Email | vickiharris@cix.co.uk |
Website | None |
Born |
March 13, 1967
Died | December 00, 2008
(41 years)
Contributor | Ralphie |
Last Modifed | Progressive Scot May 14, 2016 05:03am |
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Info | Vicki Harris was the Lib Dem candidate for Perth in the 2001 general election. She is a professional project manager and has a background working for overseas development charities and at the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations in Edinburgh.
Her political interests include UK democracy and third world issues. She is Secretary of Charter 88 Scotland.
Vicki graduated from the University of Southampton with a BSc (Hons) in Physics and is interested in science. She plays the clarinet and enjoys art and travelling.
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