Affiliation | Republican |
Name | Daniel S. Harrop III |
Address | 277 Waterman Street Box 603364 Providence, Rhode Island 02906, United States |
Email | harrop@alumni.brown.edu |
Website | http://www.harrop.org/ |
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Contributor | User 215 |
Last Modifed | User 215 Mar 27, 2005 07:13am |
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Info | Daniel S. Harrop 3rd, M.D.
(Current to June 2004)
**Primary Position
Private Practice of Psychiatry, (Since 1995) at 277 Waterman Street, Providence, RI 02906, Phone: 401-331-7778 (1983-Present)
**Academic Appointment
Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Brown University School of
Medicine, Providence, RI (1987-Present; Clinical Instructor, 1984-87)
B.A. (Biology), Brown University, Providence, RI (1976)
M.D., Brown University School of Medicine, Providence, RI (1979)
M.B.A., Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland (1997)
**Postgraduate Education
Internship in Internal Medicine, The Miriam Hospital, Summit Avenue, Providence, RI (1979-80)
Residency in Psychiatry, Brown University School of Medicine Affiliated Hospitals, c/o Butler
Hospital, 345 Blackstone Blvd., Providence, RI (1980-83)
Certified in Psychiatry, The American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (1985)
Certified in Psychiatry with Added Qualifications in Geriatrics, The American Board of Psychiatry
and Neurology (1992) (Re-Certified 2001)
Diplomate, National Board of Medical Examiners (1980)
Certified, American Board of Quality Assurance and Utilization Review Physicians (1985;
Recertified, 1994)
Certified, National Registry of Certified Group Psychotherapists (1994)
Diplomate, Board Certified Forensic Examiner, American Board of Forensic Examiners (1996)
Commonwealth of Massachusetts #47629 (1980)
State of Rhode Island #5747 (1981)
State of Florida #86799 (2003)
**Current Academic Work
Supervisor, Residents in Psychiatry, Brown University Affiliated Hospitals Residency Training
Program, Group Therapy Training Program (1985-Present)
**Current Membership in Societies
American Medical Association (Life Member) (1983)
Massachusetts Medical Society (1983) (Surveyor, Continuing Education Committee, 2000-Present)
Rhode Island Medical Society (1983) (Continuing Medical Education Committee, 1989-Present; House
of Delegates, 1985-88)
Massachusetts Psychiatric Society (2000)
Rhode Island Group Psychotherapy Society (1985) (President, 1989-91; Executive Committee and Board
of Directors, 1988-97)
American Psychiatric Association (General Member) (1983) (Corresponding Member, Committee On Medical Quality, 2003-Present )
American Group Psychotherapy Society (1985) (Assembly of Delegates, 1991-97)
Brown University Medical Association (1979)
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, Brown University Chapter (Life Member) (1979)
Diplomate and Fellow, The American College of Forensic Examiners (1996)
Catholic Medical Association (1996)
Diplomate and Fellow, The American Association of Integrative Medicine (2001)
**Governmental Appointments
Member, Medical Advisory Board, Workers' Compensation Court, State of Rhode Island,
Garrahy Judicial Complex, Providence, RI (1993-2001) [Appointed by Chief Judge Arrigan]
Consultant, Registrar of Motor Vehicle Licensure, Rhode Island Department of Transportation,
345 Harris Avenue, Providence, RI (1984-2001) [Appointed by Governor Garrahy;
Re-appointed by Governor Almond]
**Consulting Positions
Physician Advisor, Magellan Health Services, 6950 Columbia Gateway Drive, Columbia, MD
21046 (1991-1999, 2003-Present) [Formerly GreenSpring Health Services]
Physician/Peer Advisor, Qualidigm, The Connecticut Peer Review Organization, 100
Roscommon Drive, Middletown, CT 06457, (860) 632-2008 (1996-Present)
Physician/Peer Advisor, APS Healthcare Inc., 6705 Rockledge Drive, Suite 200, Bethesda, MD 20817 (1999-Present)
United HealthCare, Inc. (United Behavioral Systems of United HealthCare, Warwick, RI (Medical Director, 1993-95; Psychiatrist, 1995-96; Physician Advisor, Physician Consultant Services, 2003-Present)
Richardson, D., and Harrop, D., Impaired drivers: A call to action for Rhode Island physicians. Med Health RI 2002 Oct; 85(10): 304-305
Laughren, T., Battey, Y., Greenblatt, D, and Harrop, D., A Controlled Trial of Diazepam Withdrawal in Chronically Anxious Outpatients, Acta psychiat. Scand (1982) 65, 171-179.
Brown, W., and Harrop, D., Drugs That Stimulate Libido, Human Sexuality (Jan 82), 59
SSI - A System of Advocacy That Works, Region One Community Support Services Leaning Conference, September 1984
Alcohol and Drug Informational Program, Sigma Chi International Fraternity Leadership Training Program Workshop, Yearly 1981-89, Various Locations
Borderline Patients in Group Psychotherapy - Aspects of Leadership, RI Group Psychotherapy Society, (Seminar, May 1986; Annual Meeting, April 1989)
Alcohol and Drug Informational Program, Freshman Class Orientation, Farleigh Dickinson University, Madison, NJ, October 1989
Psychiatric Issues in Workers Compensation, International Workers Compensation College, April 16, 1995, Newport, RI
Elders at Risk: Strategies for Successful Interventions, Massachusetts Association of Older Americans/Massachusetts Department of Mental Health, March 21, 2002, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth
Public Safety and Workers Compensation: Medical Perspectives, Beacon Mutual Ins. Co. Municipal Unit Seminar, October 27, 2003, Newport, RI
**Prior Salaried Medical Positions
Psychiatrist, The Vinfen Corporation, 950 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA 02141 (1996-98,
Central City Community Mental Health Center and Taunton State Hospital, Taunton, MA
(Consultant, 1981-84)
East Bay Community Mental Health Center, Barrington, RI (Medical Director, 1983-87;
Psychiatric Consultant, 1982-83)
Psychiatric Specialists Inc. (Private Practice), Pawtucket, RI (1987-93)
Consultant, Catholic Social Services, Providence, RI (1990-94)
Member, Board of Directors, Medical Synergy, Inc., Providence, RI (1992-96) {Physician Peer
Review Organization for Medicare for Maine and Rhode Island}
Medical Director, Inpatient Unit, The Dr. John C. Corrigan Mental Health Center, 49 Hillside
Street, Fall River, MA 02720, Phone: 508-235-7304 (1999-Present) (Medical Director, Partial
Hospital Program, 1996-99)
Member, Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, PharmaCare Prescription Management, 695
George Washington Highway, Box 539, Lincoln, RI 02865 (1999-2003)
**Other Prior Medical Experience
Butler Hospital, Providence, RI (Courtesy Staff, 1995-2001; Active Staff, 1983-95; Chief,
Short-term Treatment Program, 1991-93; Chief, General Treatment Unit, 1989-91; Assistant
Chief, Intensive Treatment Unit, 1988-89; Chairman, Utilization Review Committee, 1985-93)
Rhode Island Psychiatric Society (1983-2000) (President, 1989-90; Executive Council, 1985-91;
Secretary-Treasurer, 1985-88; Chairman, Committee on Public Society, 1984-86; Assistant
Newsletter Editor, 1989-94; Referral Committee, 1991-95)
The Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI (Active Staff, 1985-93 & 1995)
The Miriam Hospital, Providence, RI (Consulting Staff, 1983-92)
The Institute of Mental Health, Cranston, RI (Active Staff, 1984-87)
The Memorial Hospital, Pawtucket, RI (Active Staff Without Admitting Privileges, 1987-94)
Kent County Memorial Hospital, Warwick, RI (Associate Staff, 1988-89)
Fuller Memorial Hospital, So. Attleboro, MA (Active Staff, 1983-84; Courtesy Staff, 1984-94)
New Bedford Area Crisis Center, New Bedford, MA (Consultant, 1983-84)
Consulting Physician, Arbour SeniorCare, Arbour Health System, 800 Hingham Street, Suite
103S, Rockland, MA 02370 (1999-2001)
The Dr. John C. Corrigan Mental Health Center, 49 Hillside Street, Fall River, MA 02720
(Active Staff, 1996-2002) (Chairman, Continuing Medical Education Subcommittee, 1998-2002)
Consulting Psychiatrist, May Behavioral Health, 220 Norwood Park South, Norwood,
MA 02062 Phone: (781) 440-0400 (1998-2002)
Collaborator, Laboratory for Clinical and Experimental Psychopathology at the Dr. John C. Corrigan Mental Health Center, Harvard Commonwealth Research Center, Harvard Medical School, 49 Hillside Street, Fall River, MA 02720 (1999-2002)
Psychiatrist/Peer Advisor, Spectera Care Programs, 2811 Lord Baltimore Drive, Baltimore, MD 21244-2644 (1998-2003)
**Prior Academic Positions
Instructor in Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry/Consolidated, Harvard University Medical School, Cambridge, MA (1997-2002)
Brown University School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry (Instructor, BioMed 396,
"Clinical Psychiatry of Second Year Medical Students," 1983-94)
Brown University School of Medicine, Affiliated Hospitals Psychiatry Residency Training
Program (Supervisor, Third and Fourth Year Medical Students, Inpatient Psychiatry Rotation,
1989-93; Supervisor, Second Year Residents in Psychiatry Inpatient Rotation, 1990; Supervisor,
Third Year Residents in Psychiatry Outpatient Treatment Modalities Tract, 1984-94; Residency
Selection Committee, 1985-88, 1991-94)
Supervisor, Residents in Psychiatry, Inpatient Program Rotation, Department of
Psychiatry/Consolidated, Harvard University Medical School (1997-2002)
**Civic and Community
37th Feudal Baron of Cambusnethan, Lanark, Scotland, United Kingdom
Brown University Alumni Association (Board of Governors, 1988-92; Association of Class Leaders, President 1988-92, Board of Directors, 1987-Present; Alumni Service Award Citation, 1992; President, Class of 1976, 1981-2001; National Alumni Schools Program/RI Area Chair, 1992-96)
Sigma Chi Fraternity (Grand Council, 1981-Present; Grand Trustee, 1987-Present; Leadership Training Board, 1981-87; Faculty Advisor, Brown University Chapter, 1984-Present; Scholarship Committee Chairman 1991-95; Member, Order of Constantine, Inducted 1996)
St. Thomas Becket Association {Roman Catholic Alumni Association of Brown University & the Rhode Island School of Design} (President, 1980-81 & 1993-97, Treasurer, 1997-Present; Board of Directors, 1978-82, 1992-Present)
Brown Club of Rhode Island (Board of Directors, 1992-Present)
Faculty Club of Brown University (President, 1994-95; Board of Managers, 1992-95)
St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church Parish, Providence, RI (Trustee, 1991-Present; Parish Council President, 1987-92)
The Libertarian Party of Rhode Island [State Affiliate of the Libertarian Party of the US] (Chairman, 2000-Present)
Galilee Beach Club, Narragansett, RI (President, 1995-1998; Board of Directors, 1995-2000)
Bishop Hendricken High School Alumni Association, Warwick, RI (Secretary, 1982-84; Board of Directors, 1993-Present)
SeaBreeze Civic Association, Narragansett, RI (Treasurer, 1993-2002)
Knights of Columbus: Fatima Council #4331, Providence, RI (Grand Knight, 1998 & 2001; Hendricken Assembly, Cranston, RI; District Deputy, Jurisdiction of RI, 2000-1, 2002-4)
Ancient Order of Hibernians (Division #1, Kent County, RI, Financial Secretary, 2000-2003)
Sons of the American Revolution, Rhode Island Branch (1972)
Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War, Department of Rhode Island, Col. Zenas R. Bliss Camp 12 (1999)
National Society of the Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims (2000)
A.F. & A. Masons, Mt. Hope Lodge, Fall River, MA(Worshipful Master, 2001-3); Fall River Royal Arch Masons, Fall River, MA; Fall River Council, Royal & Select Master Masons, Fall River, MA
Rhode Island Historical Society (Life Member)
International Order of Odd Fellows, Canonicus Lodge, East Providence, RI (2003)
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