Affiliation | Republican |
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1924-11-10 |
Name | Frank W. Mondell |
Address | Newcastle, Wyoming , United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
Born |
November 06, 1860
Died | August 06, 1939
(78 years)
Contributor | eddy 9_99 |
Last Modifed | RBH Dec 25, 2014 05:29pm |
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Info | MONDELL, Frank Wheeler - Wyoming politician.
Born in St. Louis, Mo., 11/6/1860 (the day that Lincoln was elected President); son of Ephraim & Nancy (Brown) Mondell - both of whom died by 1866.
Raised in Dickinson County, Iowa; attended the common schools; worked in Chicago
As an employee of the Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad, Mondell went to Wyoming 1887 to prospect for coal and discovered the Cambria Mine. Helped lay out and develop the town of Newcastle WY (named for the industrial city in England).
Engaged in mercantile pursuits, mining, and railway construction in various western states and territories
Mayor of Newcastle 1889-1895. He was the first mayor of the town.
WY Senate (R) 1890-1892, serving as Senate President in 1892
Delegate to the Republican National Conventions in 1892, 1900, 1904, 1908, and 1912
U.S. Representative (R-WY) 1895-1897; defeated for re-election, 1896.
Assistant commissioner of the General Land Office 1897-1899
Married Ida Haris, 1899; five children.
U.S. Representative (R-WY) 1899-1923; chairman, Committee on Irrigation of Arid Lands (Fifty-eighth and Fifty-ninth Congresses), Committee on Public Lands (Sixtieth and Sixty-first Congresses); majority leader 1919-1923. Fought the move to strip Speaker Cannon of his powers (1910) and supported Taft in 1912. Strong supporter of women's suffrage and prohibition.
Candidate for U.S. Senate 1922
Director of the War Finance Corporation in 1923-1925
Admitted to the bar in 1924 and commenced practice in Washington, D.C.
Delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1924, serving as convention chairman of the first national convention transmitted by radio
Died of leukemia in his home in Washington, D.C., 5:30 a.m. 8/6/1939; interment in Cedar Hill Cemetery.
[Link] ; New York Times, 8/7/1939 (source of 1924 photo) |
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