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  Dillon, Andy
NameAndy Dillon
Address26284 Graham
Redford, Michigan , United States
Born November 22, 1961 (62 years)
ContributorWishful Thinking
Last ModifedMr. Matt
Mar 12, 2022 10:08pm
Tags Caucasian - Married - Straight -
InfoAndy Dillon comes to this race uniquely prepared to assume the role of Chief Executive of the State of Michigan and for the formidable business task of diversifying the state's economy

Born and raised in Redford, Michigan Andy Dillon attended the University of Notre Dame where he earned his accounting and law degrees. Upon graduation, he went to Washington, D.C., where he served on the staff of United States Senator Bill Bradley of New Jersey.

Returning to Michigan, he turned his attention to building a successful law practice. During the next seven years Andy honed his expertise in business law and became sought after as counsel to troubled businesses seeking turn-around advice. He soon became vice-president of GE Capital where he further advanced his reputation as an expert in saving struggling companies.

He then became president of Detroit Steel Company and took the fight to preserve Michigan manufacturing jobs to Washington, where he testified before the United States Congress.

Today, Andy Dillon is serving his third term in the Michigan House of Representatives and his second term as Speaker of the House. During this legislative period, his legal skills, accounting background and business experience have converged into a distinguished record of advocacy protecting Michigan's middle class and a track record of innovation in creating good paying jobs for the future.

In his first term, Andy Dillon was one of the chief architects of the 21st Century Jobs Fund. It was a landmark piece of legislation, which for the first time in history securitized part of Michigan's share of tobacco settlement funds to create a much needed 2 billion dollar fund for job creation and economic diversification. The results have brought hundreds of companies to Michigan and created thousands of Michigan jobs.

Today, Andy Dillon lives in Redford where he and his wife, Carol, are raising their four children - Matt, Jack, Austin and Teagan - not too far from the home of his parents and the street he was raised on. For Andy, the task of healing our state and restoring the Michigan dream is very personal indeed.



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  01/14/2009 MI Speaker of the House Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
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  08/08/2006 MI State House 017- D Primary Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/02/2004 MI State House 017 Won 59.29% (+21.14%)
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  08/03/2004 MI State House 017 - Special D Primary Won 43.27% (+4.77%)
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