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  Kim, Joshua
AffiliationReform UK  
NameJoshua Kim
, Wales , United Kingdom
Website [Link]
Born Unknown
Last ModifedRP
Jun 15, 2024 10:57am
InfoMy name is Josh.

I live in the Caerphilly constituency and work as a secondary school teacher, a role I deeply enjoy. As a proud UK citizen who has chosen to live, work, and raise my family in Wales, I consider this country the best in the world.

Like many, I would prefer to live a quiet life. However, the recent news of 685,000 net migrants to the UK for the second consecutive year has compelled me to act. We've also seen troubling headlines about crimes committed by immigrants, which we are often encouraged to overlook. This situation poses significant challenges for the working class, who face increased competition for low-skilled jobs, and for young people struggling to find affordable housing. Meanwhile, big businesses profit from a surplus of cheap labour.

The only party addressing these concerns is Reform.

We need tighter immigration controls. This is not about racism; it’s about practicality. Immigrants, regardless of their background, require housing, healthcare, and public services. Currently, there simply aren’t enough resources to go around. Our families and fellow citizens must take priority. Prioritizing UK citizens should be a common-sense approach.

As a reserved and polite Briton, there comes a time when one must take a stand for family and country. That time is now.

Having experienced different cultures, I can confidently say that British culture, with its democratic values, equal rights for women, and freedom of speech and religion, is worth protecting. Everyone coming to the UK must respect these principles. No religion should be above criticism.

While immigration has brought benefits to the UK, there can be too much of a good thing. Like overindulging in pizza, excessive immigration is causing cultural indigestion.

This is a local issue for Caerphilly as well. The strain on Treasury funds due to poor-quality immigration means less funding for Wales and Caerphilly. We can only bear so much. Just as you wouldn’t tolerate a guest draining your family’s finances, we must manage our national resources wisely.

To win in Caerphilly, I need to secure support from half the Tory voters and a third of Labour voters. Regardless of the outcome, every vote for me and Reform sends a message to Westminster: we demand significant cuts to mass immigration.

After 25 years of Labour power in Wales, it’s clear they've failed us. They've taken your votes for granted and hold us in contempt. Consider:

The blanket 20mph speed limit – a disastrous policy.

Vaughan Gething’s questionable £200k donation.

Welsh Labour imposing their candidate on Caerphilly without consulting the local party.

If you’re angry, you have every right to be. Together, we can create a political earthquake. Every vote counts.

Vote Reform on July 4th!

Thank you for your support.



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  07/04/2024 UK Parliament - Caerphilly Lost 20.28% (-17.74%)