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  Griffiths, Justin Mark
AffiliationLiberal Democrats  
NameJustin Mark Griffiths
, Wales , United Kingdom
Website [Link]
Born Unknown
Last ModifedRP
Jun 15, 2024 01:07am
InfoAfter graduating from Aston University with a chemical engineering degree, I worked for 27 years in British Steel (TATA) with 25 of those years in Port Talbot before being made redundant in 2016 at the age of 50.

I know what it is like to suddenly face unemployment, worry about keeping a roof over your head and paying the bills. Those years were fraught with both personal and financial issues, and I understand what the workforce, their families and the wider local community are going through at this time. In my spare time I like to walk my 2 rescue dogs, DIY around the house and occasionally a round of golf.

The election is coming at a time of great concern and upheaval for the people of Aberavon and the surrounding area. The closure of the blast furnaces at TATA Port Talbot is a heavy blow to the area, I support the unions plan to keep 1 blast furnace working until the completion of the electric arcs.

If elected I would continue the fight to retain employment the area, working to attract as much funding to the area to bring in and retained an already skilled workforce.

I became interested in politics when I was studying for my O levels during the early years of the Thatcher government. In the 1983 general election I stood as the Liberal candidate in my school’s debate.

I only join the Liberal Democrats after I retired due to work and family commitments

The polices of the Conservatives in Westminster and Labour in the Senedd have been detrimental to this country’s economic future, and so far, I don’t believe a future Labour government in Westminster is the answer to this country’s needs.

I support whole heartedly my parties view on the following issues

Helping the cost of living - The party wants to help people with the cost of living and their energy bills by implementing a proper, one-off windfall tax on the super-profits of oil and gas producers and traders. Profits are essential for companies to exist and provide jobs for the workforce, but excessive profits at the expense of the hardworking people of this county who are struggling to cloth and feed their families makes my blood boil. We have seen far too many companies make record profits and enrich their shareholders.

Give everyone the right to see their GP within seven days, or 24 hours for urgent cases - The Lib Dems have pledged to deliver this by training, recruiting, and retaining more GPs and freeing up more of their time.

Increase school and college funding per pupil above the rate of inflation every year - The party also wants to install a mental health professional in every school and invest in new buildings to stop crumbling. We have seen an increase in mental health issues since lockdown,

Freeze rail fares and simplify ticketing on public transport - The party also wants to complete the electrification of Britain’s rail network.

Scrap Tory anti-immigration measures - The Lib Dems want to scrap the Conservatives’ hostile environment strategy and invest instead in officers, training, and technology to tackle smuggling, trafficking, and modern slavery.

Cut greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2045 - The climate crisis is addressed with a pledge to invest significantly in renewable power so that 80 per cent of the UK’s electricity is generated from renewables by 2030.

Introducing proportional representation - Having lost a referendum in 2011 on this issue, the Lib Dems are keen advocates for a change to the first past the post system. We have a multi party democracy but an election system rooted in the 19th century, we now need an election system that supports this and also keeps the elected MP in touch their constituents, that’s why we are proposing the single transferable vote.



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