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  Javits, Jacob K.
NameJacob K. Javits
New York, New York , United States
Born May 18, 1904
DiedMarch 07, 1986 (81 years)
Last ModifedRBH
Feb 22, 2022 06:08pm
Tags Army - Judaism -
Infoborn in New York City, May 18, 1904; attended the public schools; traveling salesman; attended night classes at Columbia University; graduated from the New York University Law School in 1926; was admitted to the bar in 1927 and commenced practice in New York City; lecturer and author of articles on political and economic problems; during the Second World War, served with the Chemical Warfare Service 1941-1944, with overseas service in the European and Pacific Theaters; discharged as a lieutenant colonel in 1945; resumed the practice of law; elected as a Republican to the Eightieth and to the three succeeding Congresses and served from January 3, 1947, until his resignation December 31, 1954; had been renominated in 1954 to the Eighty-fourth Congress but withdrew; attorney general of New York 1954-1957; elected as a Republican to the United States Senate in 1956 for the term commencing January 3, 1957, but did not assume his duties until January 9, 1957; reelected in 1962, 1968, and again in 1974, and served from January 9, 1957, to January 3, 1981; unsuccessful Republican candidate for renomination in 1980; unsuccessful Liberal candidate for election to the United States Senate in 1980; resumed the practice of law; adjunct professor of public affairs at Columbia University�s School of International Affairs; author; died in West Palm Beach, Florida, on March 7, 1986; interment in Linden Hill Cemetery, Queens, New York City.


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Importance? 8.40000 Average


Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipient Jacob K. Javits  Discuss
  11/04/1980 NY US Senate Lost 11.05% (-33.83%)
  09/09/1980 NY US Senate - R Primary Lost 44.32% (-11.37%)
  06/14/1980 NY US Senate - L Convention Won 86.05% (+72.09%)
  11/05/1974 NY US Senate Won 45.32% (+7.10%)
  11/05/1968 NY US Senate Won 49.68% (+17.00%)
  06/18/1968 NY US Senate - L Primary Won 72.14% (+44.28%)
  11/08/1966 NY Constitutional Convention At-Large Lost 3.26% (-0.13%)
  11/06/1962 NY US Senate Won 57.38% (+17.24%)
  11/06/1956 NY US Senate Won 53.27% (+6.56%)
  11/02/1954 NY Attorney General Won 51.23% (+3.40%)
  11/04/1952 NY District 21 Won 63.44% (+29.81%)
  11/07/1950 NY District 21 Won 49.84% (+6.04%)
  11/02/1948 NY District 21 Won 50.92% (+1.83%)
  11/05/1946 NY District 21 Won 46.02% (+6.13%)
NYC Mayor - R Primary - Sep 08, 1977 R Roy M. Goodman
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Dec 17, 1975 R John Paul Stevens
US Secretary of the Interior - Jun 11, 1975 NPA Reject
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Dec 15, 1971 NPA Reject
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Dec 09, 1971 D Lewis Franklin Powell, Jr.
Nobel Peace Prize - Oct 10, 1971 I Elie Wiesel
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - May 17, 1970 R Harry Blackmun
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Apr 08, 1970 NPA Reject
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Nov 21, 1969 NPA Reject
New York City Mayor - Nov 04, 1969 D John V. Lindsay
NYC Mayor - R Primary - Jun 17, 1969 D John V. Lindsay
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Aug 30, 1967 D Thurgood Marshall