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  Lupo, Jason
NameJason Lupo
Address1043 Greenland Forest Drive
Monument, Colorado , United States
Born Unknown
Last ModifedBrentinCO
Apr 10, 2024 07:40pm
InfoI identify first and foremost as a Child of the One True King. It is that identity that shapes my world-view and beliefs. I identify as a Coach, who has worked for 14 years mentoring, and encouraging youth through sport. I identify as an educator, who loves education and seeks to find the best way for students to learn and be successful in and out of the classroom. I identify as a True Constitutional Conservative Warrior who will fight for your rights and freedoms and against the tyranny of our current elected officials.

In 2016, I founded Full Armour Swim Team, an outspoken Faith Based Youth Club Sports Program, which at the time was one of the few Independent Christian Sports Programs in the country and remains to the best of our knowledge the only Christian Swim Team in the United States.

As a Christian Business Owner, I have been attacked for our views and beliefs, and we have not quivered in our mission. Currently State Law has created contradictions in the protections of one's religious beliefs and the woke agenda.

I have always seen sport as a vehicle for Positive Youth Development, and I go to great lengths to ensure our programs prioritize our youth's development as a whole and not just create talented athletes. We have embarked on a mission to ensure every child has the opportunity to participate regardless of financial status, and while the vast majority of club sports programs prioritize financial commitment, we have sought to ensure that belonging to a team is affordable to all.

During the pandemic, I was a fighter on the frontline. Fighting for our athletes, who were dealing with the psychological stress of their everyday lives being flipped upside down.

After seeing our young men and women struggling with the removal of all of their social support, I opened up a gym, Full Armour Training Center to allow our kids to return to a sense of normalcy. This became our home base as we struggled to return to our pools, as we were at the will of the School Districts for the ability to return.

I fought for our swimmers at our state governing body to return to normalcy, voicing the concerns and frustrations that many were too afraid to voice over fear of repercussions or disturbing relationships.

It is this same mentality I will bring to my role as State Legislator. An unwillingness to backdown on the issues that are harming our youngest constituents, regardless of the negative press and attacks I may face.

It is for these reasons I ask that you support me as your next State Legislator in House District 20.



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  06/25/2024 CO State House 20 - R Primary Lost 33.94% (-32.11%)