Affiliation | Nonpartisan |
2020-01-01 |
Name | Jason Dyken |
Address | Gulf Shores, Alabama , United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
Born |
Contributor | Juan Croniqueur |
Last Modifed | Juan Croniqueur Feb 23, 2024 06:15pm |
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Info | Councilman Jason Dyken is a medical doctor and a financial planner. Dyken was elected to his first term in 2008. Councilman Dyken serves as a member of the Education Committee, Parks and Recreation Committee, Gulf Coast Healthcare Authority and Chairman of the Finance / Personnel Committee.
He holds a masters of business administration from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, a medical doctor degree from University of South Alabama and a bachelors of sciences in chemistry degree from Furman University. Councilman Dyken is a current member of the City's Finance Committee and Recreation Committee and past member of the City of Gulf Shores Zoning Board of Adjustments. He also volunteers his services with the South Baldwin Children’s Foundation, South Baldwin Health Foundation and is an active coach in city recreational baseball and basketball programs.
Councilman Dyken is retired from his private medical practice and presently owns Dyken Wealth Strategies, a financial planning firm. He is married to Orthodontist, Dr. Renee Dyken. They have four children and enjoy all the wonderful amenities that the Alabama Gulf Coast has to offer including swimming, boating, fishing, and other sports.
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