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  Spiller, Sean M.
NameSean M. Spiller
Montclair, New Jersey , United States
Born Unknown
Last ModifedBrentinCO
Jun 24, 2024 11:32am
Tags Married - Union Member -
InfoNJEA president, Montclair mayor (2020-2024) and councilman (2012-2020)

Mayor Sean M. Spiller was first elected to serve the residents of Montclair in May of 2012 as the Third Ward Councilor. Successfully running for Mayor, on July 1, 2020, he was sworn in as the 21st Mayor of Montclair.

Since first being elected, he has worked hard to find creative ways to bring in new revenue for our town, to look for greater efficiencies and to solve our existing challenges.

He currently serves on the township’s Economic Development Committee, the Finance Committee, and the Education Committee. He additionally previously served on the Board of School Estimate, the Public Safety Committee, and Montclair Business Improvement District (BID) board.

Through those committees and normal Council action, he has worked to increase smart, green development in town – helping to reduce our tax burden and he has helped to implement a debt-reduction plan.

A strong supporter of great public schools, Sean has pushed to maintain our dynamic school system and is helping to make our schools even stronger.

Understanding the key role our businesses play in the vibrancy and long-term health of our Township, Mayor Spiller has sought balance in making Montclair more business-friendly while protecting the unique character of our community.

Sean is also a member of the Montclair NAACP, the League of Women Voters, and many other local groups and organizations.

An educator for over 20 years, Sean is a high school science teacher in Wayne. A graduate of Montville public schools, he completed undergraduate studies at Rutgers University (Rutgers College) and earned an MS degree from Ramapo College. Involved with educational issues at the local, county, and state level, he has fought to integrate services and eliminate wasteful spending, while maintaining top-level education for all our children.

At Rutgers, Sean played ice hockey, serving as captain and team liaison to the university while the skaters earned two championships. He has also been a coach for local travel and high school teams, as well as the Rutgers University women’s ice hockey team.

Mayor Spiller is excited for the service ahead and will continue to look at everything through a lens of social justice, racial equality, positive public service policy, and fiscal responsibility, ensuring that Montclair remains the place that we want it to be.



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