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  Montague Jr., Kenneth C.
NameKenneth C. Montague Jr.
Address513 East 39th Street
Baltimore, Maryland , United States
Born August 25, 1942 (82 years)
ContributorU Ole Polecat
Last ModifedMr. Matt
Jan 19, 2021 09:08pm
InfoPrior to his appointment by Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. in January 2003, Secretary Kenneth C. Montague, Jr. served in the Maryland House of Delegates representing the 43rd Legislative District in northeast Baltimore for 16 years. Elected in 1986, he served on the House's Judiciary Committee and was Chair of its Subcommittee on Family and Juvenile Law. In addition, he served on the Special Committee on Drug and Alcohol Abuse and the Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics, of which he was House Chair. Throughout his legislative career he focused on economic empowerment and family issues and sponsored numerous successful initiatives on juvenile justice, domestic violence, child abuse, and family preservation.
During his tenure with the House of Delegates, Secretary Montague was actively involved in the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), where he served on the Executive Committee and as Chair of its Center for Governmental Ethics and the Assembly on State Issues. Through NCSL, Secretary Montague also participated in several legislative missions to foreign countries including Japan, Germany, Italy, and most recently South Africa, where he briefed national and local officials on state/federal relations as implemented in the United States.

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, Montague attended St. Peter Claver School and graduated in 1960 from Loyola High School. He received his B.A. from Morgan State University and his J.D. from the University of Maryland School of Law. After graduating from Morgan State, Secretary Montague joined the United States Peace Corps as a volunteer in Lesotho, Southern Africa. While a law student in the mid-1970s, he served as an advisor to the University Without Walls program at Morgan State University, where he was instrumental in establishing the first degree-granting program for inmates at the Maryland Penitentiary. He subsequently established similar programs at all of the major correctional facilities in the State.

Secretary Montague has served on a number of national and local boards including, Center for Policy Alternatives, Citizen Action Fund, Council of State Government, Eubie Blake Jazz Institute and Cultural Center, Saint Elizabeth's School, Loyola High School, Union Memorial Hospital, House of Ruth, Chesapeake AIDS Foundation, Maryland Committee for UNICEF, and Everyman Theatre.

In addition, he has received numerous awards for his work on behalf of children and families including Maryland Children's Action Network Leadership Award; Maryland Association of Resources for Families and Youth Outstanding Service Award; Maryland Friends of Foster Children Certificate of Achievement; Maryland Association of Youth Service Bureaus Award of Appreciation; National Council on Crime and Delinquency New American Community Award; and Juvenile Justice Coalition Champion for Justice Award.

MD Dept. of Juvenile Justice web site


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  09/10/2002 MD State House 43 - D Primary Lost 16.71% (-9.71%)
  11/03/1998 MD State House 43 Won 31.62% (-1.28%)
  09/15/1998 MD State House 43 - D Primary Won 24.23% (-0.98%)
  03/05/1996 MD District 7 - D Primary Lost 3.07% (-34.40%)
  11/08/1994 MD State House 43 Won 32.33% (-0.25%)
  09/13/1994 MD State House 43 - D Primary Won 20.05% (+0.00%)
  11/06/1990 MD State House 44 Won 29.64% (-1.16%)
  09/11/1990 MD State House 44 - D Primary Won 29.07% (-3.34%)
  11/04/1986 MD State House 44 Won 30.10% (-0.33%)
  09/09/1986 MD State House 44 - D Primary Won 26.55% (-0.94%)
  09/14/1982 MD State Senate 44 - D Primary Lost 34.73% (-30.55%)
  03/13/1998 MD State House 43 - Appointment Won 0.00% (+0.00%)
  11/06/1992 MD State House 44 - Appointment Won 0.00% (+0.00%)