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  Taylor, John
NameJohn Taylor
Trenton, New Jersey , United States
Born October 06, 1836
DiedFebruary 10, 1909 (72 years)
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Jun 18, 2023 06:10pm
InfoSenator Taylor was born at Hamilton Square, Mercer county, October 6th. 1836, and is engaged extensively in the pork packing and cattle trade in the city of Trenton, His father carried on the business of brick-making, and in 1837, moved to Pennington, four years later to Princeton, and again, in 1846, he removed to Trenton, where he prosecuted his business until his demise, in 1849. ^^^ family, by the loss of its head, having been left without means of support, the subject of this sketch at once procured work with a brick-making firm in Trenton and continued in that employment until 1852, when he obtained a situation as clerk in A. R. Rainear's grocery, where, after three year's service, and then being only 18 years of age, he was admitted as a partner, under the firm name of Rainear, Son & Co. A year later, young Taylor withdrew from this firm and associated himself with his old co-clerk in the same store, Mr. James Ronan, under the firm name of Ronan &; Taylor, without capital, for the inauguration and prosecution of the wholesale grocery business in the city. This was but an experiment which, however, soon proved a success, and has now grown to a trade of over $5,000,000 a year. In i860, Mr. Ronan having relinquished his interest and entered into another branch of the jobbing grocery business, Mr, Taylor associated himself with Mr. D. P, Forst, under the firm name of Forst & Taylor, which partnership continued until 1870, with marked success, when Mr, Taylor retired and at once engaged in the pork packing and cattle trade. This business he now conducts on a very large scale, giving employment to a large number of hands, Mr. Taylor's education was limited to what might have been gleaned from a quarter's schooling each winter, until he was 14 years old. During his successful business career the Senator has always manifested a creditable public spirit, and to him the city of Trenton owes a great deal for the rapid progress it has made of late years. He is the projector and principal owner of Taylor Opera House and was the originator of the private market system. He has been a member of Common Council for twelve years, and is at present chairman of the Committee on Finance in that body, and, besides, is a Director m the First National Bank and Standard Insurance Company.

Mr. Taylor is undoubtedly a self-made man, and there is no other man in the community who enjoys a higher standard for uprightness, progressiveness and true manhood. His election to the State Senate over one of the most popular of Democrats by a majority of 755 in a close county, truly attests this fact.


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  11/06/1880 NJ Senate - Mercer Won 52.71% (+5.42%)