Affiliation | Republican |
Name | Julieanne Mazurkiewicz |
Address | Buffalo, New York , United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
Born |
January 01, 1973
(52 years)
Contributor | nystate63 |
Last Modifed | nystate63 Nov 10, 2004 06:16pm |
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Info | Julieanne Mazurkiewicz was born on January 1, 1973 and lived the early part of her life on the East side of Buffalo before moving to the Lovejoy district of the city. She is a 1990 graduate of Hutchinson Central Technical High School where she excelled in softball, swimming and volleyball, being named co-captain of all three teams. Julieanne was a leader in the academic arena. Ms. Mazurkiewicz earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from Buffalo State College in 1994 and took additional courses in International Finance, Urban Politics and Political Science.
After spending several years working in private industry, Julieanne returned to school and in December 2000 earned her Masters of Science degree in Professional Leadership from St. Bonaventure University. Concentrating on effective team building, leadership techniques, change management, business planning and the need for effective leadership in the Western New York area.
On September 11, 2001, the world changed. It is a day Ms. Mazurkiewicz will never forget. To help the victims of the World Trade Center Disaster, Julieanne worked with the U.S. Small Business Administration Office of Disaster Assistance where she helped small businesses and homeowners recover from the effects of 9/11. Helping businesses and families get back on their feet when there was nowhere else to turn. She heard the victims stories first hand and helped put them on a path to recovery. Julieanne not only made promises to the families of 9/11, she kept them by providing the help they needed. Julieanne provided strong leadership in times of crisis.
Julieanne now resides in South Buffalo. She has been involved in several charities including the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, the United Way and the Red Cross. She has made a firm commitment to give back the community. Julieanne is a proven leader in the community.
As a life long resident of Buffalo Julieanne is keenly aware of the challenges and issues that face Western New Yorkers both in the city and in its surrounding suburbs. She is sensitive to the needs of working families and the struggles they face every day. She will work as a tireless advocate for the people of Western New York and will bring to light the many challenges women face. Ms. Mazurkiewicz will work to bring quality jobs to Western New York, lower the tax burden we face and fight for tougher punishments for criminals as well as introduce legislation to implement programs at the community level to deter future crimes. Julieanne will do what it takes to bring real economic prosperity to the area. By working with the rest of the Senate as well as the Governor to pass the budget on time, she will bring the representation to Western New Yorkers they deserve. As the New York State 58th districts next Senator, Julieanne will provide high quality leadership all Western New Yorkers can be proud of.
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