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  Bailey, Fran
NameFran Bailey
Address237 Maroondah Highway
Healesville, Victoria 3777, Australia
Website [Link]
Born May 21, 1946 (78 years)
ContributorUser 215
Last ModifedUser 215
Jul 08, 2004 01:48pm
InfoFRAN BAILEY has represented McEwen as its Federal Member since March 1996, and previously from 1990 – 1993. She was the first woman from any political party to represent a rural electorate and the first Victorian woman to be elected to the House of Representatives. Fran also has the distinction of being only the second woman in the Liberal Party to sit on the front bench after being appointed Shadow Minister for Consumer Affairs in 1992.

Fran grew up in Queensland and attended All Hallows College. She graduated as a secondary college teacher, specialising in English, History and French, from Queensland University. She later returned to study sociology at La Trobe University in Melbourne. At the same time as establishing the first reject china shop in Victoria, she raised two daughters, Amanda and Annabel. Committed to small business, she later went on to develop a commercial and stud cashmere business, which exported both meat and fibre.
During her first term as a MP, Fran served on a number of committees, including the Joint Parliamentary Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee, and was a signatory to the inquiry into Equal Opportunity and Status of Women in Australia. In 1996, the Prime Minister appointed Fran Chairman of the Standing Committee on Primary Industries and Regional Service. The committee published the report, Time Running Out: Shaping Regional Australia’s Future, and Adjusting to Agricultural Trade Reform: Australia No Longer Down Under.

In June 2000 the committee also published a groundbreaking report into gene technology, Work In Progress, Proceed with Caution. Many of its recommendations were included in legislation. Further, in August 2001 the committee published the follow-up report on bio-prospecting, Bio-Prospecting: Discoveries Changing the Future. Fran was also a keynote speaker on the development of bio-technology science in Australia. More recently, Fran has been a vocal advocate for the clinical application of surplus embryos in stem cell research.

Fran also has considerable experience in international affairs, invited to visit Russia in September 1990. A volatile period for Eastern Europe, Fran gained valuable firsthand experience of the hardships of life in the impoverished country, examining the problems and progress of agriculture and industry. Two years later Fran was honored by the United States of America, awarded an International Fellowship. She studied innovative ways to overcome high youth unemployment, an area she remains committed working for unemployed in McEwen.

In 1996, Fran was chosen to participate in the International Leaders Program in San Diego and the following year was invited to China as a guest of the People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs. Recognised for her commitment to delivering health services to rural communities, Fran was also invited to inspect advanced technologies, such as telemedicine, at the John Hopkins Medical Research Centre in Baltimore in the US. In 1999/00 Fran again participated in meetings on bio-technology and trade in China as a guest of the People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs.

After successfully contesting the 2001 Federal Election, Fran was appointed Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Defence, Robert Hill, by the Prime Minister. Among her responsibilities is the management of defence infrastructure and estate, a corporate support program and the deployment of emergency civil aide. Fran is also responsible for the Australian Defence Force Cadets. But her new responsibilities have not lessened her resolve to always act in the interests of our electorate. Fran continues to do what she does best – working at the grass roots level to resolve problems and strengthen rural and regional communities.

Parliamentary Service
Elected to the House of Representatives for McEwen, Victoria, 1990. Defeated at general elections 1993. Re-elected 1996, 1998 and 2001.

Ministerial Appointments
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Defence from 26.11.01.

Committee Service
House of Representatives Standing: Library from 16.5.90 to 8.2.93; Community Affairs from 16.5.90 to 14.9.92; Legal and Constitutional Affairs from 18.10.90 to 30.4.92; Financial Institutions and Public Administration from 29.5.96 to 12.12.96; Industry, Science and Technology from 29.5.96 to 31.8.98; Primary Industries, Resources and Rural and Regional Affairs from 29.5.96 (Chair from 21.11.96) to 31.8.98; Primary Industries and Regional Services from 8.12.98 (Chair from 9.12.98) to 8.10.01.

Joint Standing: Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade from 8.12.98 to 11.2.02.

Conferences, Delegations and Visits
Leader, Parliamentary Delegation to New Zealand, June 1997.

Member, Parliamentary Delegation to Ireland and China, July 2000.

Parliamentary Party Positions
Member, Opposition Shadow Ministry from 28.4.92 to 7.4.93. Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Opposition on Fightback! Co-ordination and Marketing and Secretary of the Fightback! Group from 28.4.92 to 23.5.92; Shadow Minister for Consumer Affairs and Secretary of the Fightback! Group from 23.5.92 to 7.4.93.

Party Positions
Secretary, Liberal Party Yarra Glen Branch 1984-88; Female Vice-President 1987; President, 1988-89.

Delegate, State Council (Vic) 1986-89.

Committee Delegate, Victorian Legislative Assembly electorate of Evelyn 1984-88; Female Vice-Chairman 1985-87; Campaign Director 1988.

Born 21.5.1946, Brisbane, Qld.

Qualifications and Occupation before entering Federal Parliament
DipT (Secondary) (Qld University & Kelvin Grove Teachers College).

Secondary school teacher.

Business manager of family company.

Retailer 1981-85.

Cashmere goat breeder and exporter 1984-90.

Business consultant 1994-96.

Description: Rural, regional and outer metropolitan.

Location: Central Victoria; it includes the centres of Alexandra, Avenel, Broadford, Craigieburn, Eildon, Healesville, Hurstbridge, Kilmore, Mansfield, Marysville, Nagambie, Seymour, Wallan, Warburton, Whittlesea, Woori Yallock, Yarra Glen, Yarra Junction and Yea.

Area: 14 328 sq km (approx.).

Electors enrolled: 88 228 (10.11.01).

Industries: Cattle grazing, wool growing, forestry, market gardening, wines, sawmills, knitwear, textiles, dairying, various small businesses and tourism.

State electorates: McEwen includes parts of the Victorian Legislative Assembly electorates of Benalla, Eltham, Evelyn, Seymour and Yan Yean.


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Importance? 0.00000 Average


  11/24/2007 Vic MP - McEwen Won 50.02% (+0.03%)
  10/25/2004 AUS Minister for Small Business and Tourism Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  10/08/2004 Vic MP - McEwen Won 56.42% (+12.84%)
  11/10/2001 Vic MP - McEwen Won 51.20% (+2.40%)
  10/03/1998 Vic MP - McEwen Won 51.04% (+2.08%)
  03/02/1996 Vic MP - McEwen Won 52.18% (+4.35%)
  03/13/1993 Vic MP - McEwen Lost 49.31% (-1.37%)
  03/24/1990 Vic MP - McEwen Won 53.21% (+6.42%)
VIC MP - Casey - LIB Preselection - Nov 13, 2021 LIB Roshena Campbell