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  Khoo, Heiko Bernard
AffiliationLet London Live  
NameHeiko Bernard Khoo
Address37 Cambridge Gardens
London, England , United Kingdom
Website [Link]
 X (Twitter)HeikoKhoo
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Born Unknown
Last ModifedRP
Jun 28, 2024 08:46pm
InfoTo the people of Putney, The last five years saw the biggest transfer of wealth, from the poor to the rich, in history.

Hundreds of millions around the world were driven into poverty and hunger, exacerbating conflicts and accelerating waves of global migration. In Britain, the price of energy, food, rent, mortgage repayments and other basics of life rose dramatically, forcing millions into penury.

I joined the Labour Party in 1980 and supported Jeremy Corbyn from 2015 onwards. As Labour became the biggest party in Europe, Corbyn’s leadership was sabotaged. The Israel lobby smeared him with false allegations of anti-Semitism, lies that were promoted by Keir Starmer. Starmer backs Israel’s genocide and said that Israel has the right to cut off power and water to Gaza, which is a war crime. British warplanes conduct reconnaissance missions for Israel and our weapons have rained down on women and children. I stand with the people of Palestine in their liberation struggle against Israeli occupation and apartheid.

The Labour Party no longer represents the working class. Tory MPs are welcomed with open arms while long standing party members are smeared, slandered, silenced or expelled. We in the Workers’ Party are building a mass socialist party to replace the Labour Party.

Under Covid, as Dominic Cummings explained to a House of Commons investigative committee, an international pandemic “network of Bill Gates-type people” pressured national governments to act as if we were at war, imposing dictatorial powers, repressing free speech and free movement, and curtailing our democratic right to protest. While Downing Street held parties, people were brutally arrested for petty breaches of lockdown regulations. Big Tech and Big Pharma assumed command over decision-making and accumulated trillions, while our children were deprived of education, patients were denied essential treatment and the elderly died alone, parting from their families on Zoom. In fact the measures taken - social distancing, masks, lockdowns, the closure of work, leisure and entertainment etc. - were based on flimsy scientific evidence. Science that was manipulated to serve malign interests.

We now know that Covid vaccines were neither “safe” nor “effective”. A British Medical Journal report from 4 June 2024 identifies more than three million excess deaths in the Western World since 2020, much of this excess cannot be attributed to Covid. This supports what Dr John Campbell, Andrew Bridgen MP and other critics of the vaccine rollout have said. In the new parliament, the unfolding Covid vaccine scandal will make the recent Post Office and infected blood scandals pale into insignificance. As your MP, I will work to secure the maximum compensation for victims and campaign to uncover the whole truth about what happened under Covid, bringing those responsible to account and legislating to ensure this nightmare never happens again.

Just as the “War on the Virus” ended, yellow and blue flags were hoisted over government buildings, and Vladimir Putin was cast as our main enemy. The living standards of the British people were slashed to pay for this futile, barbaric and entirely avoidable war. More than two years on, Ukrainian and Russian soldiers continue to slaughter each other in trench warfare, with Britain and others supplying weapons. Unbelievably, Joe Biden, Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak now want to escalate and extend the war with direct attacks on Russian territory.

British society needs a truly dramatic transformation, where science, technology, the economy and government are made to serve the needs and demands of the people.

Heiko Khoo



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  07/04/2024 UK Parliament - Putney Lost 1.01% (-48.01%)
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