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  Read, George
NameGeorge Read
Calgary, Alberta , Canada
Born February 29, 1972 (53 years)
ContributorThe Oncoming Storm
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Apr 03, 2023 02:09am
InfoGeorge was born in the Foothills hospital in Calgary and was raised in the North Haven community. He was a Boy Scout and developed a love for nature attending the Canadian Jamboree in 1985, the Alberta Jamboree in 1987 and World Jamboree in 1988. George went on to be a Scout Leader in North Haven.

George is an avid bicyclist and enjoys cycle touring. He makes a regular trip around the city on his bicycle every year and loves the Bow River and Elbow River pathways. His most accomplished bicycle tour was from Calgary to the far side of Vancouver Island.

George has a degree in political science from the University of Calgary and a management minor. He worked as a tree planter during the summers while University and gained an understanding of the forestry industry.

George works as a purchaser and planner for a Calgary furniture manufacturer. The skills of a purchaser are similar to the skills needed by our politicians. They involve figuring out a long range plan for what we will need to do and identifying the alternatives with the least amount of cost.

As an active member of the Sierra Club Chinook Group, George served on their board most recently as the Prairie Chapter Liaison and in the past as their outings coordinator. George is also a member of a number of environmental organizations including, Society of Environmentally Responsible Livestock Operators and Western Sky Land Trust.

George began with the Green Party in 2000 and has been a driving force behind the growth the party has seen. He was the President of the Federal Green Party in Alberta from 2001 to 2003. He became the Leader of the Green Party of Alberta in Nov 2003 and led the party through a period of growth that included the party increasing 8 fold in the 2004 provincial election.

George served as the National Campaign Manager for the Green Party of Canada during the 2005-2006 federal election which was a grueling 56 days of winter campaigning. Following that, he returned to his focus on being the leader of the Green Party of Alberta. All of George’s Green Party work has been as a volunteer. He has continued to maintain a full time job while he works for the party.

George is 35 years old. He is engaged to be married this summer.


DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know
02/29/2008-02/29/2008 Angus Reid 14.00% ( 0.0) 15.00% ( 0.0) 71.00% ( 0.0)

Title Purchase Contributor

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

Importance? 0.00000 Average


  03/03/2008 AB Legislative Assembly - Calgary-North West Lost 4.95% (-41.26%)
  03/03/2008 AB Premier Lost 0.00% (-86.75%)
  06/12/2007 AB Legislative Assembly - Calgary-Elbow - By-election Lost 5.60% (-40.17%)
  11/22/2004 AB Premier Lost 0.00% (-74.70%)
  11/22/2004 AB Legislative Assembly - Calgary-Egmont Lost 8.14% (-42.53%)
  06/28/2004 AB Parliament - Calgary Southeast Lost 6.05% (-64.94%)