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  Coffer, Bobby
NameBobby Coffer
Brown Summit, North Carolina , United States
Website [Link]
Born 00, 1937 (88 years)
ContributorU Ole Polecat
Last ModifedU Ole Polecat
Oct 12, 2004 08:52am
InfoBobby Coffer was born in Guilford County in 1937 of Joseph L. Coffer and the late Susie A. Coffer . He attended Ceaser Cone Elementary School. The later years were at Ranking High School of Guilford County. He was also a service man in the U.S. Military and National Guard Reserve in the 1950's. Bobby was married to the late Dorothy P. Coffer for thirty years, they have five children, 10 grandchildren and four great grand children.

After coming home he was employed at Cone Mills for a number of years, then went to work for a drywall company for a number of years. From there went into his own business of Coffer Construction Company and has been in business for thirty and some years.

In 1984 Bobby attended Piedmont Bible College.

He is a past member of the American Legion, he is also a past member of the Masonic Lodge.

He also served as a member on the Guilford County Planning Board, also served as a past member of the State Executive Board. He is Republican Chairman of the South Monroe Precinct. He is also a member of Cathedral of His Glory.

Mr. Coffer is the President of Coffer Construction Company and Rentals, also owner of BRC Auto Sales on Bessmer Ave. in Greensboro, NC.

Experienced and Qualified
Family Man
Successful businessman for 30 years
Past member of State Executive Board
Chairman of South Monroe Precinct
Guilford County Planning Board member
Lifelong resident of Guilford County
Member of "Cathedral of His Glory"
Attended Piedmont Bible College
Served in U.S. Armed Forces and National Guard Reserve

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  05/08/2012 NC State Senate 26- R Primary Lost 12.89% (-74.22%)
  11/02/2004 NC State Senate 27 Lost 31.76% (-34.09%)
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