Affiliation | Popular Democratic |
Name | Jaime B. Fuster |
Address | Santurce, Puerto Rico , United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
Born |
January 12, 1941
Died | November 03, 2007
(66 years)
Contributor | Thomas Walker |
Last Modifed | RP Jan 12, 2015 03:47pm |
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Info | FUSTER, Jaime B., a Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico; born January 12, 1941, in Guayama, Puerto Rico; attended parochial schools; B.A., Notre Dame University, 1962; J.D., University of Puerto Rico Law School, 1965; LL.M., Columbia University Law School, 1966; Law and Humanities Fellow, Harvard University, 1973-1974; professor of law, 1966-1979, and dean of law, 1974-1978, University of Puerto Rico; United States Deputy Assistant Attorney General, 1980-1981; president, Catholic University of Puerto Rico, 1981-1984; elected as a Democrat to the United States House of Representatives in 1984 for a four-year term; reelected in 1988 and served from January 3, 1985, until his resignation March 4, 1992; associate justice, Supreme Court of Puerto Rico; is a resident of Candado, San Juan, P.R.
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