Affiliation | Alliance for Democracy and Freedom |
2024-01-01 |
Name | Kim Sherrie Knight |
Address | 35 Clifton Avenue Blackpool, England , United Kingdom |
Email | Kimknight@adfparty.uk |
Website | None |
Facebook | KimSherrieHarleyKnight |
X (Twitter) | KimKnig69812251 |
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Contributor | RBH |
Last Modifed | RP Jul 01, 2024 10:29am |
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Info | I am Kim Knight, and I am the Independent Candidate for Blackpool South.
I work under the umbrella party Alliance for Democracy and Freedom, we are a group of likeminded Independents with NO party whip, Only dedicated Independents determined to bring the voice and wishes of our constituents to Parliament. As most of you know, we have only just recovered from the circus of the recent by-Election, which was dominated by the massive budget of the Labour Party. I do not have; nor wish to spend in excess of £180,000 to buy votes with unwanted and unnecessary leaflet drops and marketing propaganda. It is time to end the constant merry go round of false promises and the 2-party domination of our town and our country. If you’re a protest voter? or a stay-at-home apathetic constituent, demoralised with our undemocratic first past the post-election system, then I urge you to please go out and vote for me “Your independent” We must push to “Make Votes Matter” It is possible this election will result in a hung parliament, with Keir Starmer as PM but with no working majority to deliver any policies, no other political party will support a labour government, only Independents can freely convey the wishes of the constituents and freely vote accordingly Your vote can make a difference, please come out and vote for me Your Independent. Let’s make the 4th of July Independents Day in Blackpool.
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