Affiliation | Republican |
2019-11-19 |
Name | Alexis Martinez Johnson |
Address | 315 Don Fernando Rd Santa Fe, New Mexico , United States |
Email | AlexisForSantaFe@gmail.com |
Website | [Link] |
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X (Twitter) | AlexisJohnsonNM |
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Contributor | Bojicat |
Last Modifed | data Oct 11, 2022 01:45am |
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I reside in Santa Fe, NM and my family frequents Las Vegas, NM. Our family has cattle in Harding County. I was raised in Roswell and graduated high school in Las Cruces. Like so many NM families, I was reared by my grandparents. I went to college at Vanderbilt University and NM Tech. I graduated with an engineering degree in Socorro at NM Tech and have been married to my spouse, after college, and we have four beautiful children. I was raised with faith, by a caring family, with our New Mexican traditions, and with the American values of hard work, grit, resilience, and love. Like many of you my family has risked their lives for the American Dream: my family is comprised of proud, patriotic military servicemembers. Many relatives are small business owners and life-long educators: a principal and teachers. I hold them in high-esteem and value their service. I have worked diligently in our energy sector in the Permian Basin, to better our “Land of Enchantment” while keeping the business economy going for our hard working families who supply the much needed energy that fuels our lives. Like so many New Mexicans my grandparents strived to provide for my future working day in and day out to put food on the table in our loving home. They showed me what it meant to show up and do the right thing. I am here to show up for you! I am here to be your voice. I am a proud New Mexican.
I had twin babies born at the seventh month of life. Some of my opponents are being funded, from groups outside of NM, supporting ending an infant’s life in the womb after five months. My twins came into this world crying out to be heard. New Mexicans reject outside interests funneling money to candidates ending life when a baby can live. Right now, at this very second, someone can walk into a clinic in Albuquerque and end the life of a baby at 32 weeks. Think it’s only an emergency at that time? Nope. A life can be ended all the way to 32 weeks there, no reason needed. My twins were born at 30 weeks. Don’t believe me? Call one of the NM clinics for yourself. Let’s get the truth out there NM. Fight for that crying baby with me! Donate today so that I can give a voice to you and to the unborn!
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