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  Jackson, Tarsha
NameTarsha Jackson
Houston, Texas , United States
Born Unknown
Last ModifedRP
Aug 22, 2023 04:24pm
InfoTarsha Jackson was born and raised in Houston. She spent her formative years in Acres Homes, Greenspoint and North Forest. She raised her children here, went to school here, and has been fighting for the people of District B since the early 2000s.

While raising two young boys and working as a mortgage lender, Tarsha’s life changed when her oldest special-needs son Marquieth was arrested at his elementary school for a classroom disruption. Just ten years old at the time of his arrest, Marquieth was sentenced to three and a half years in jail for an offense that should’ve been resolved with detention.

Tarsha and her family lived the painful injustices of a system that criminalizes children instead of helping and supporting them. She became a parent-advocate and community leader, organizing other parents to fight for - and win - juvenile detention reform. In 2004, she co-founded Texas Families of Incarcerated Youth with two other mothers. And in 2007, Tarsha’s testimony and advocacy helped win passage of Texas Senate Bill 103, which bans the criminal justice system from jailing children for minor misdemeanors, preventing the injustice that happened to her son from happening to others.

In 2013, Tarsha joined the Harris County office of the Texas Organizing Project (TOP), Texas’ leading organization for building political power in communities of color. As Harris County Director for TOP, Tarsha launched TOP’s first criminal justice campaign after the death of Sandra Bland, which TOP now runs in the three counties it serves - Harris, Dallas and Bexar. Tarsha’s advocacy has expanded over the years to work on issues like ending ICE and police collaboration in immigration enforcement, fighting for affordable housing and equitable recovery after Hurricanes Ike and Harvey, and economic justice for Houston’s often-forgotten communities.



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