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  Moorehead, Monica
AffiliationWorkers World  
NameMonica Moorehead
Address37 Bentley Ave
Jersey City, New Jersey 07304, United States
 X (Twitter)mmashcat
Born 00, 1952 (73 years)
ContributorWishful Thinking
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Mar 05, 2024 12:05am
Tags Black - Atheist -
InfoMonica Moorehead has been an activist and organizer for more than four decades. A member of Workers World Party since 1975, Moorehead now sits on the Party’s national secretariat and is a managing editor of Workers World newspaper. She was WWP’s candidate for president of the United States in 1996 and 2000; in 1996 she sought the nomination of the Peace & Freedom Party in California.

Born in Alabama during segregation, Moorehead became politically active as a teenager in Hampton, Va., distributing the Black Panther Party newspaper. She was banned fromher high school band for refusing to play the racist song “Dixie.” A graduate of Hampton Institute [now University], Moorehead is a former kindergarten teacher.

She is a founding member of Millions for Mumia of the International Action Center—an anti-death-penalty project—and she co-chaired the historic May 7, 2000 rally of 6,000 people in Madison Square Garden Theater demanding freedom for political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal.

Moorehead has written extensively on the prison-industrial complex and anti-racist issues. She co-authored “Mumia Speaks– An Interview with Mumia Abu-Jamal.” She wrote the pamphlet “South Africa—Which Road to Liberation?” and the essay “What Is a Nation?” in the book “A Voice from Harper’s Ferry.” She edited the 2007 book “Marxism, Reparations and the Freedom Struggle.”

She is a co-coordinator of the International Working Women’s Day Coalition in New York City. She is also an executive board member of the International Women’s Alliance—a global network of women organizers and women’s organizations that fight imperialism, racism, sexism and all forms of oppression.

Moorehead has represented Workers World Party on many international solidarity trips including South Africa, Iraq, Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea, South Korea, Puerto Rico, Hawai’i, France the Dominican Republic and the Philippines.

From the movements against racism, police killings and mass incarceration; to the struggle against imperialist war and neocolonialism; to solidarity with Cuba, Palestine, Zimbabwe, the Philippines, the DPRK, and all peoples struggling for self-determination and sovereignty; to the struggles for women’s and LGBTQ liberation; to battles for union rights, disability rights, environmental justice—from local struggles to international movements, Monica Moorehead has devoted her entire life to the great cause of building a better world.



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  11/08/2016 US President - Popular Vote Lost 0.00% (-48.18%)
  11/08/2016 US President - Detroit, MI Lost 0.00% (-95.31%)
  08/13/2016 US President - PFP Convention Lost 15.38% (-56.41%)
  06/07/2016 CA US President - PFP Primary Lost 29.72% (-19.75%)
  11/07/2000 US President - Popular Vote Lost 0.00% (-48.38%)
  11/05/1996 US President - Popular Vote Lost 0.03% (-49.21%)
  07/25/1996 US President - PFP Convention Lost 47.06% (-5.88%)
  03/26/1996 CA US President - PFP Primary Won 33.91% (+10.09%)
  12/03/1995 US President - WWP Convention Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
US President - Popular Vote - Nov 04, 2008 ? Cynthia McKinney