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  Clinton, Bill
<-  2022-01-01  
NameBill Clinton
Little Rock, Arkansas , United States
Website [Link]
 X (Twitter)billclinton
Born August 19, 1946 (78 years)
Last ModifedNCdem
Mar 19, 2024 08:26am
Tags Caucasian - English - Irish - Native American - Married - Impeached - Baptist - Christian - Straight -
InfoWilliam Jefferson "Bill" Clinton

William Jefferson Clinton was born on August 19, 1946, in Hope, Arkansas. As a delegate to Boys Nation while in high school, he met President John Kennedy in the White House Rose Garden. The encounter led him to enter a life of public service. Clinton graduated from Georgetown University and in 1968 won a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford University. He received a law degree from Yale University in 1973, and shortly thereafter entered politics in Arkansas. He was defeated in his campaign for Congress in Arkansas's Third District in 1974. The next year he married Hillary Rodham, a graduate of Wellesley College and Yale Law School. In 1980, Chelsea, their only child, was born. Clinton was elected Arkansas Attorney General in 1976, and won the governorship in 1978. After losing a bid for a second term, he regained the office two years later, and served until his 1992 bid for the Presidency of the United States.

Elected President of the United States in 1992, and again in 1996, President Clinton was the first Democratic president to be awarded a second term in six decades. Under his leadership, the United States enjoyed the strongest economy in a generation and the longest economic expansion in U.S. history. President Clinton’s core values of building community, creating opportunity, and demanding responsibility resulted in unprecedented progress for America, including moving the nation from record deficits to record surpluses; the creation of over 22 million jobs—more than any other administration; low levels of unemployment, poverty and crime; and the highest homeownership and college enrollment rates in history. His accomplishments as president include increasing investment in education, providing tax relief for working families, helping millions of Americans move from welfare to work, expanding access to technology, encouraging investment in underserved communities, protecting the environment, countering the threat of terrorism and promoting peace and strengthening democracy around the world. His Administration’s economic policies fostered the largest peacetime economic expansion in history. President Clinton previously served as the Governor of Arkansas, chairman of the National Governors’ Association and Attorney General of Arkansas. As former chairman of the Democratic Leadership Council, he is one of the original architects and leading advocates of the Third Way movement.

After leaving the White House, President Clinton established the William J. Clinton Foundation with the mission to strengthen the capacity of people in the United States and throughout the world to meet the challenges of global interdependence. To achieve this, the Clinton Foundation is focused on four critical areas: health security, with an emphasis on HIV/AIDS; economic empowerment; leadership development and citizen service; and racial, ethnic and religious reconciliation. The Clinton Presidential Center, located in Little Rock, Arkansas, is comprised of the Library, the archives, Clinton Foundation offices and the Clinton School of Public Service.

Following the 2002 Barcelona AIDS Conference, President Clinton began the Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative (CHAI) to assist countries in implementing large-scale, integrated, care, treatment and prevention programs that will turn the tide on the epidemic. It partners with countries in Africa, the Caribbean and Asia to develop operational business plans to scale-up care and treatment. CHAI works with individual governments and provides them with technical assistance, human and financial resources, and know-how from the sharing of the best practices across projects. The ultimate objective in each of these countries is to scale up public health systems to ensure broad access to high-quality care and treatment. The Initiative’s long-term goal is to develop replicable models for the scale-up of integrated programs in resource-poor settings. CHAI is currently bringing life-saving care and treatment to over a quarter of a million people around the world.

In September 2005, President Clinton hosted the inaugural meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). CGI is a non-partisan catalyst for action, bringing together a community of global leaders to devise and implement innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges. The inaugural meeting brought together 35 current and 10 former heads of state along with hundreds of other leaders from governments, the business community, and NGOs who contributed to innovative solutions to alleviate poverty, promote effective governance, reconcile religious conflicts, and protect the environment. Nearly 300 commitments were made to improve the lives of people living on 6 continents, with private corporations and non-profit organizations pledging almost 70% of all commitments, which are valued in excess of $2.5 billion.

In the United States, President Clinton also works through the Clinton Foundation Urban Enterprise Initiative to help small businesses acquire the tools they need to compete in the ever-changing urban marketplace. He also works along with the American Heart Association on the Alliance for a Healthier Generation to combat childhood obesity and reverse this deadly trend facing American children.

Following Hurricane Katrina in August 2005, President Clinton and former President Bush led a nationwide fundraising effort and established the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund to assist survivors in the rebuilding effort. This campaign was the second collaboration for the former presidents, the first being their work on relief and recovery following the Indian Ocean tsunami. President Clinton also serves as Special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery, as appointed by United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan in 2005.

President Clinton is also a best selling author, and is married to Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY). They reside in New York.


DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know
09/27/2007-09/30/2007 Washington Post/ABC News 66.00% ( 4.0) 32.00% ( 5.0) 2.00% ( 1.0)
06/13/2007-06/24/2007 Rasmussen Reports 55.00% ( 8.0) 41.00% ( 4.0) 4.00% ( 4.0)
07/13/2006-07/17/2006 TIME Poll - SRBI Public Affairs 70.00% ( 0.0) 27.00% ( 0.0) 2.00% ( 0.0)
06/14/2005-06/18/2005 NBC News/Wall Street Journal (Hart & McInturff) 58.00% ( 8.0) 37.00% ( 6.0) 5.00% ( 2.0)
04/25/2005-04/26/2005 FOX News 53.00% ( 1.0) 40.00% ( 0.0) 6.00% ( 1.0)
02/04/2005-02/06/2005 Gallup 56.00% ( 17.0) 41.00% ( 16.0) 3.00% ( 1.0)
07/22/2004-07/25/2004 Rasmussen Reports 47.00% ( 0.0) 45.00% ( 0.0) 0.00% ( 0.0)
06/17/2004-06/20/2004 Washington Post/ABC News 62.00% ( 0.0) 37.00% ( 0.0) 1.00% ( 0.0)
06/08/2004-06/09/2004 FOX News 52.00% ( 5.0) 40.00% ( 7.0) 7.00% ( 1.0)
01/21/2004-01/22/2004 FOX News 47.00% ( 6.0) 47.00% ( 5.0) 6.00% ( 1.0)
DateFirmFavorableUnfavorableDon't Know
09/08/2011-09/11/2011 Public Policy Polling 62.00% ( 0.0) 34.00% ( 0.0) 4.00% ( 0.0)
07/08/2010-07/11/2010 Gallup 61.00% ( 0.0) 0.00% ( 0.0) 0.00% ( 0.0)
03/07/2008-03/10/2008 NBC News/Wall Street Journal (Hart & McInturff) 42.00% ( 0.0) 45.00% ( 0.0) 13.00% ( 0.0)
01/16/2007-01/19/2007 Washington Post/ABC News 61.00% ( 0.0) 37.00% ( 0.0) 2.00% ( 0.0)
10/12/2005-10/24/2005 Pew Research 62.00% ( 0.0) 34.00% ( 0.0) 4.00% ( 0.0)

Title Purchase Contributor
The Natural: The Misunderstood Presidency of Bill Clinton  Purchase RP 
My Life by Bill Clinton  Purchase COSDem 
Clinton on Clinton: A Portrait of the President in His Own Words  Purchase Ashley 

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Mar 07, 2013 04:50pm Opinion It’s time to overturn DOMA [by Bill Clinton]  Article Homegrown Democrat 
Sep 21, 2012 09:00am Interview Bill Clinton Extended Interview - Daily Show  Article RP 
Sep 08, 2012 02:00pm General Obama: Clinton could be 'secretary of explaining stuff'  Article Homegrown Democrat 
Jun 01, 2012 11:50pm News Bill Clinton criticizes Obama's Bain attacks, praises Romney's ‘sterling business career'  Article Scott³ 
May 24, 2012 01:50pm Amusing Bill Clinton Poses With Porn Stars  Article RP 
Mar 20, 2012 04:00pm Announcement Little Rock airport to be renamed for Bill and Hillary Clinton  Article COSDem 

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Importance? 9.54550 Average

Wife Hillary Clinton Oct 11, 1975-
Daughter Chelsea Clinton 1980-
Mother Virginia Clinton Kelley 1923-1994
Father In-Law Hugh Rodham 1911-1993
Mother In-Law Dorothy Emma Howell Rodham 1919-2011

1996 Democratic National Convention Speech - Bill Clinton  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Address Before a Joint Session of Congress (February 17, 1993)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Address on Affirmative Action (July 19, 1995)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Address on Bosnia (November 27, 1995)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Address on Health Care Reform (September 22, 1993)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Address on Race Relations (October 16, 1995)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Address on Somalia (October 7, 1993)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Address on the Kosovo Agreement (June 10, 1999)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Address to the Employees of the Mackie Metal Plant (November 30, 1995)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Address to the People and Relief Workers of Grand Forks, ND (April 22, 1997)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Farewell Address (January 18, 2001)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - National Service Address (April 30, 1993)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Press Conference on "Gays in the Military" (January 29, 1993)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Remarks at the Brandenburg Gate (June 12, 1994)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Remarks at the Signing of the Family Medical Leave Act (February 5, 1993)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Remarks at the Signing of the Israeli-Palestinian Agreement (September 13, 1993)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Remarks at the U.S. National Cemetery (June 6, 1994)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Remarks on Operation Restore Hope (May 5, 1993)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Remarks on the Signing of NAFTA (December 8, 1993)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Remarks to the Congregation of St. Paul's AME Church (November 3, 1996)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Remarks to the Convocation of the Church of God in Christ in Memphis (November 13, 1993)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Remarks to the People of Ghana (March 23, 1998)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Remarks to the People of Rwanda (March 25, 1998)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Response to the Lewinsky Allegations (January 26, 1998)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Speech at the 25th Anniversary Memorial Mass for Robert F. Kennedy (June 6, 1993)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - State of the Union Address (Feb 4, 1997)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - State of the Union Address (Jan 19, 1999)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - State of the Union Address (Jan 23, 1996)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - State of the Union Address (Jan 27, 2000)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - State of the Union Address (January 24, 1995)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - State of the Union Address (January 25, 1994)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - State of the Union Address (January 27, 1998)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Statement on Kosovo (March 24, 1999)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Time for Healing Ceremony (April 23, 1995)  Discuss
Bill Clinton - Victims Rights Announcement (June 25, 1996)  Discuss
Bill Clinton for First Lady 2008  Discuss
Bill Clinton Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech 1992  Discuss
Clinton-Gore '96  Discuss
Encyclopedia of Arkansas  Discuss
Oklahoma Bombing Memorial Prayer Service Address - Bill Clinton  Discuss
President Bill Clinton Inaugural Address January 20, 1993  Discuss
President Bill Clinton Inaugural Address January 20, 1997  Discuss
Sincerely, Bill  Discuss
Video: Fleetwood Mac at the 1993 Clinton Inaugural Gala  Discuss
William J. Clinton Foundation  Discuss
  11/08/2016 US First Spouse Lost 42.19% (-14.31%)
  07/28/2016 US First Spouse - D Primary Won 59.67% (+20.51%)
  11/20/2013 Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipient Won 6.25% (+0.00%)
  11/04/2008 US President - Popular Vote Lost 0.00% (-52.91%)
  08/27/2008 US First Spouse - D Primary Lost 24.07% (-51.86%)
  01/08/2008 NH US Vice President - R Primary Lost 0.01% (-62.42%)
  01/08/2008 NH US Vice President - D Primary Lost 0.36% (-46.57%)
  12/16/1996 US President Won 70.45% (+40.89%)
  11/05/1996 US President - Popular Vote Won 49.24% (+8.52%)
  08/29/1996 US President - D Convention Won 99.72% (+99.44%)
  07/07/1996 US President - R Primaries Lost 0.01% (-58.81%)
  07/01/1996 US President - D Primaries Won 88.94% (+83.47%)
  03/26/1996 US President - LBT Primaries Lost 0.34% (-51.14%)
  03/26/1996 US President - REF Primaries Lost 3.95% (-66.95%)
  03/26/1996 WA US President - I Primary Won 51.08% (+22.93%)
  02/20/1996 NH US Vice President - R Primary Lost 0.28% (-25.52%)
  02/20/1996 NH US Vice President - D Primary Lost 0.84% (-90.17%)
  12/14/1992 US President Won 68.77% (+37.55%)
  11/03/1992 US President - Popular Vote Won 43.01% (+5.56%)
  11/03/1992 GU US President Won 59.11% (+19.73%)
  09/10/1992 CT US President - ACP Nomination Lost 41.94% (-4.84%)
  07/16/1992 US President - D Convention Won 80.27% (+66.08%)
  07/01/1992 US President - D Primaries Won 51.98% (+31.79%)
  06/09/1992 ND US President - D Primary Lost 14.52% (-14.51%)
  11/06/1990 AR Governor Won 57.49% (+15.00%)
  05/29/1990 AR Governor - D Primary Won 54.84% (+15.97%)
  11/04/1986 AR Governor Won 63.89% (+27.81%)
  08/26/1986 NGA Chair Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  05/27/1986 AR Governor - D Primary Won 60.58% (+27.08%)
  11/06/1984 AR Governor Won 62.55% (+25.11%)
  05/29/1984 AR Governor - D Primary Won 64.43% (+40.21%)
  11/02/1982 AR Governor Won 54.71% (+9.42%)
  06/08/1982 AR Governor - D Runoff Won 53.69% (+7.37%)
  05/25/1982 AR Governor - D Primary Won 41.78% (+12.50%)
  11/04/1980 AR Governor Lost 48.07% (-3.87%)
  05/27/1980 AR Governor - D Primary Won 68.87% (+37.73%)
  11/07/1978 AR Governor Won 63.36% (+26.73%)
  05/30/1978 AR Governor - D Primary Won 59.55% (+37.96%)
  11/02/1976 AR Attorney General Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  05/25/1976 AR Attorney General - D Primary Won 55.65% (+30.48%)
  11/05/1974 AR District 3 Lost 48.17% (-3.65%)
  06/11/1974 AR District 3 - D Runoff Won 68.96% (+37.91%)
  05/28/1974 AR District 3 - D Primary Won 43.60% (+17.20%)
US President - D Convention - Aug 07, 2024 D Kamala Harris
AZ District 01 - D Primary - Jul 30, 2024 D Andrei Cherny
NY District 17 - D Primary - Aug 23, 2022 D Sean Patrick Maloney
US President - Popular Vote - Nov 08, 2016 D Hillary Clinton
NV District 04 - D Primary - Jun 14, 2016 D Ruben J. Kihuen
Los Angeles Mayor - May 21, 2013 D Wendy J. Greuel
NV US Senate - Nov 06, 2012 D Shelley Berkley
NH Governor - D Primary - Sep 11, 2012 D Maggie Hassan
AZ District 09 - D Primary - Aug 28, 2012 D Andrei Cherny
MN District 08 - DFL Primary - Aug 14, 2012 D Tarryl L. Clark
CT District 05 - D Primary - Aug 14, 2012 D Dan Roberti
NY District 18 - D Primary - Jun 26, 2012 D Sean Patrick Maloney
CA - District 30 - Open Primary - Jun 05, 2012 D Brad Sherman
NM District 01 - D Primary - Jun 05, 2012 D Martin Chávez
NJ District 09- D Primary - Jun 05, 2012 D Bill Pascrell
TX District 16 - D Primary - May 29, 2012 D Silvestre Reyes
NC Ballot Measure - Ban Gay Marriage Amendment - May 08, 2012 NO No
PA Attorney General - D Primary - Apr 24, 2012 D Kathleen Kane
PA - District 12 - D Primary - Apr 24, 2012 D Mark S. Critz
MD District 06 - D Primary - Apr 03, 2012 D John K. Delaney
Chicago Mayor - Feb 22, 2011 D Rahm Emanuel
RI Governor - Nov 02, 2010 D Frank Caprio
LA Lt. Governor - Special Election - Oct 02, 2010 D Caroline Fayard
FL US Senate - D Primary - Aug 24, 2010 D Kendrick B. Meek
CO US Senate - D Primary - Aug 10, 2010 D Andrew Romanoff
GA Governor - D Primary - Jul 20, 2010 D Thurbert Baker
CA Governor - D Primary - Jun 08, 2010 D Gavin Newsom
ME Governor - D Primary - Jun 08, 2010 D Elizabeth "Libby" Mitchell
AR US Senate - D Runoff - Jun 08, 2010 D Blanche Lincoln
AR District 01 - D Runoff - Jun 08, 2010 D Chad Causey
AR US Senate - D Primary - May 18, 2010 D Blanche Lincoln
MA US Senate - Special D Primary - Dec 08, 2009 D Martha Coakley
CA - District 10 - Special Election - Sep 01, 2009 D John Garamendi
VA State House 047 - D Primary - Jun 09, 2009 D Adam J. Parkhomenko
VA Governor - D Primary - Jun 09, 2009 D Terry McAuliffe
CT US Senate - Nov 07, 2006 D Ned Lamont
CT US Senate - D Primary - Aug 08, 2006 I Joseph I. "Joe" Lieberman
VA US Senate - D Primary - Jun 13, 2006 D Jim Webb
Cook County Board President- D Primary - Mar 21, 2006 D John H. Stroger, Jr.
CA Governor Recall - Question 1 - Oct 07, 2003 NO No
Shall Mayor Woodrow Stanley be recalled? - Mar 05, 2002 NO No
IL District 1 - D Primary - Mar 21, 2000 D Bobby Rush
Good Friday Agreement (Belfast Agreement) - May 22, 1998 YES Yes
CA Proposition 187 - Illegal Aliens. Ineligibility for Public Services. Verification and Reporting. - Nov 08, 1994 NO No
IL District 5 - D Primary - Mar 15, 1994 D Daniel D. "Dan" "Rosty" Rostenkowski
US President - D Primaries - Jul 01, 1988 D Michael S. Dukakis
AR Governor - D Runoff - Aug 09, 1966 D J. Frank Holt