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  Collins, Raymond V. "Ray"
NameRaymond V. "Ray" Collins
West Haven, Connecticut , United States
Born January 19, 1942
DiedSeptember 01, 2017 (75 years)
ContributorJoshua L.
Last ModifedMr. Matt
Dec 20, 2021 08:52pm
Tags Married - Catholic -
InfoRay Collins was re-elected on November 7, 2002 to serve a ninth term as State Representative for the 117th District, which includes the Towns of Orange, Milford and West Haven.

Representative Collins was first elected to the state House of Representatives in 1984. He was appointed Assistant Minority Leader from 1993-1995 and currently holds the distinguished post of Senior Minority Whip for the House Republican Caucus.

In addition to his leadership responsibilities, Representative Collins serves on the General Assembly�s Public Safety Committee, Regulation Review Committee, and the Legislative Management Committee.

He is also the longest serving member of the Environment Committee on which he has long been a strong advocate for the preservation of open space and the protection of Long Island Sound.

Other posts held by Representative Collins include Chairman of the House Republican Environmental Group and is an active member of the New York-Connecticut BiState Long Island Sound Committee. Representative Collins is also active in the National Conference of State Legislatures, where he once served as Vice-Chairman of the Environment Committee.

In 1998, the Connecticut Chiefs of Police named Representative Collins "Legislator of the Year" and was endorsed by the Connecticut State Police Union.

He was most recently awarded the Courage of Connecticut Legislative Achievement Award for 2000 by the Connecticut Coalition of Police and Corrections Officers.

Before being elected State Representative in 1984, Representative Collins served on the West Haven City Council from 1983-1984 and was a Commissioner of the Public Defender Services Agency from 1987-1988. He is also a member of the West Haven Republican Town Committee.

Active for many years in civic and community groups, Representative Collins served as vice-president and member of the West Haven Jaycees� Board of Directors for eight years, a manager and coach in three youth baseball leagues, vice-president of the Midget Football League, president of the Biddy Basketball League, and a Webelos leader for the Cub Scouts.

Representative Collins also served as a fleet-captain of the City Point Yacht Club and as a member of the West Haven Redevelopment Agency. He is a former vice chairman of the West Haven Citizens for Planning and Development.

Representative Collins and his wife, Linda, have three children: Raymond III, Sean and Meghan. They also have one grandson, Raymond IV.

Rep. Collins serves Milford, Orange and West Haven.



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Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

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Importance? 0.00000 Average


  08/10/2004 CT State House 117 - R Primary Lost 46.28% (-7.44%)
  11/05/2002 CT State House 117 Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/07/2000 CT State House 117 Won 53.67% (+7.34%)
  11/03/1998 CT State House 117 Won 60.27% (+20.55%)
  11/05/1996 CT State House 117 Won 51.19% (+2.38%)
  11/08/1994 CT State House 117 Won 62.01% (+24.03%)
  11/03/1992 CT State House 117 Won 55.22% (+10.45%)
  11/06/1990 CT State House 117 Won 53.44% (+6.88%)
  11/08/1988 CT State House 117 Won 50.56% (+1.11%)
  11/04/1986 CT State House 117 Lost 49.53% (-0.94%)
  11/06/1984 CT State House 117 Won 62.59% (+25.55%)