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  Rice, Henry Mower
NameHenry Mower Rice
St. Paul, Minnesota , United States
Born November 29, 1816
DiedJanuary 15, 1894 (77 years)
ContributorThe Oncoming Storm
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Sep 09, 2023 04:58pm
InfoRICE, Henry Mower, (brother of Edmund Rice), a Delegate and a Senator from Minnesota; born in Waitsfield, Vt., November 29, 1816; attended common schools and academies in Detroit and Kalamazoo, Mich.; resided in the Territories of Iowa and Wisconsin; moved to the Territory of Minnesota in 1839; post sutler for the United States Army at Fort Atkinson, Iowa; engaged in the fur business; negotiated a treaty with the Winnebago and Chippewa Indians in 1847; settled in St. Paul in 1848; through his personal influence secured the consent of the objecting Sioux Indians to confirmation of the treaty of 1851 whereby all of Minnesota west of the Mississippi River and south of Ojibway County was opened to white settlers; elected as a Democratic Delegate to the Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth Congresses (March 4, 1853-March 3, 1857); was not a candidate for renomination in 1856; upon the admission of Minnesota as a State into the Union was elected as a Democrat to the United States Senate and served from May 11, 1858, to March 3, 1863; was not a candidate for reelection in 1862; member of the board of regents of the University of Minnesota 1851-1859; unsuccessful candidate for election as Governor of Minnesota in 1865; president of the State historical society; president of the board of public works; treasurer of Ramsey County 1878-1884; United States commissioner in making several Indian treaties 1887-1888; died while on a visit in San Antonio, Tex., January 15, 1894; interment in Oakland Cemetery, St. Paul, Minn.


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Father Edmund Rice 1784-1829
Brother Edmund Rice 1819-1889

MNopedia  Discuss
  11/07/1865 MN Governor Lost 44.42% (-11.16%)
  11/04/1857 MN US Senate Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  10/09/1855 MN Territorial Delegate Won 46.00% (+13.54%)
  10/11/1853 MN Territorial Delegate Won 75.54% (+51.07%)
  10/30/1848 WI Territorial Delegate - Special Election Lost 32.36% (-30.24%)