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  Galloway, Nicole
NameNicole Galloway
Address505 W. Stewart Rd
Columbia, Missouri , United States
Website [Link]
 X (Twitter)nicolergalloway
Born June 13, 1982 (42 years)
Last ModifedRBH
Feb 27, 2018 02:24pm
Tags Married -
InfoNICOLE GALLOWAY is Boone County Treasurer. She took office April 22, 2011, and was elected to a four-year term on Nov. 6, 2012. She is a CPA and Certified Fraud Examiner.

She manages a $100 million investment portfolio, and is responsible for making sure it is invested safely and securely, that investments meet the liquidity necessary for the county’s cash flow needs and that investments achieve the best return possible.

More than $190 in county revenues are cash flowed by her office each year. Under her guidance Boone County has the second highest bond rating of any Missouri county – Aa1. By putting this rating to use and refinancing and issuing new debt, Boone County will save more than $4.6 million.

She issues all general obligation and revenue bonds, administers banking services and manages unclaimed property for the county. She provides oversight for several financial and non-financial projects as a member of state and county boards and committees, including the Missouri Technology Corporation, the Missouri County Employees’ Retirement Fund and the Boone County Local Emergency Planning Committee.

Nicole is also a member of the board of directors for the Heart of Missouri United Way, and is a member of Columbia’s Metro Rotary.

Nicole was previously a corporate auditor at Shelter Insurance in Columbia. Prior to joining Shelter, she was an auditor for Brown Smith Wallace, a public accounting firm, where she audited insurance and reinsurance companies throughout the country to ensure compliance with state accounting rules. She also worked as an actuarial analyst with Allstate Insurance.

Nicole received a Master of Business Administration from the University of Missouri and degrees in Applied Mathematics and Economics from the Missouri University of Science and Technology.


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Jun 04, 2019 12:00pm News Missouri’s new abortion ban has Nicole Galloway leaning toward campaign for governor  Article EastTexasDem 

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