Affiliation | Democratic |
2016-08-01 |
Name | Forrest Dunbar |
Address | 4294 Reka Anchorage, Alaska 99514, United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
Born |
00, 1984
(41 years)
Contributor | RP |
Last Modifed | RBH Feb 18, 2022 03:44pm |
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Info | Forrest is a lifelong Alaskan whose parents moved to Alaska in 1978. Forrest was born in 1984, and the family spent the next seven years living in Eagle, on the Yukon River. Eagle is near the range of the Fortymile Caribou Herd, and to this day caribou is Forrest’s favorite type of meat.
In 1991, Forrest and his family—now including sister Esther—moved to Cordova, where he had running water at home for the first time. Forrest attended Cordova Jr./Sr. High School and spent two summers working on a commercial fishing boat. After graduating, Forrest explored Capitol Hill while interning for then-Senator Frank Murkowski. It was there that he first saw how forces far from the State could control Alaskan resources.
While attending American University in Washington, DC—working for one summer with the Northstar Fire Crew in Fairbanks—Forrest was hired as a part-time staffer for Congresswoman Madeliene Bordallo (D-Guam). Seeing first-hand how some laws written in Washington might not work for places like Alaska and Guam, Forrest wrote a policy proposal to reform the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, which often harms places reliant on shipping. This proposal helped Forrest win the Harry S. Truman Scholarship.
After completing college and serving in the Peace Corps, Forrest earned an MPP/JD from the Harvard Kennedy School and Yale Law School. He spent his summers in Alaska, first representing low-income families with Alaska Legal Services, and then oil companies and native corporations for two Anchorage firms. Following law school, Forrest did research on Alaska’s drug laws, searching for policies that protected the public while being fiscally responsible and giving drug-users a chance for rehabilitation.
Today Forrest lives in Anchorage, where he is a member of Congregation Beth Sholom. He serves on the board of the You Choose Project, a non-profit working to prevent drug and alcohol abuse among Alaskan youth, is active in the Alaska Young Democrats, and recently commissioned as a first lieutenant in the Alaska Army National Guard.
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09/18/2014-09/21/2014 |
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23.00% ( 0.0) |
17.00% ( 0.0) |
60.00% ( 0.0) |
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