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  Samaké, Niankoro Yeah
AffiliationParty for Civic & Patriotic Action   
NameNiankoro Yeah Samaké
Ouélessébougou, , Mali
Website [Link]
Born February 27, 1969 (56 years)
Last ModifedIndyGeorgia
Aug 03, 2018 07:15pm
InfoNiankoro Yeah Samake was born into poverty in a small village in Ouélessébougou, Mali. Determined to break the cycle of poverty, and despite an enormous economic sacrifice of sending his children to school, Yeah’s father sent each of his 18 children to school. Yeah went on to complete a bachelors degree in teaching English as a second language in Bamako, Mali and a masters degree in public policy at Brigham Young University. In 2004, Yeah became director of the Mali Rising Foundation which has built 12 middle schools, to date, throughout his home country.

In 2009, Yeah decided to return home to run for mayor of Ouélessébougou, and was elected with 86% of the vote. At that time, the municipality was ranked 699 out of 703 in terms of economic development, transparency, and management, with a tax collection rate below 10%. Within one year, Ouélessébougou jumped to the top ten cities in Mali with a tax collection rate about 68%. Yeah accomplished this by increasing citizen participation through a tribal council system, and by challenging the culture of corruption. His successes earned him the respect of his peers and he was appointed to the post of vice president of the League of Mayors.

Yeah’s supporters founded the Party for Civic and Patriotic Action (PACP) and recruited him to run for president in 2011. Support for his campaign has been explosive, with people spontaneously setting up offices and campaigning for him around the country.

Yeah hopes to transform Mali from a non-democratic country into a model of real democracy and decentralization of power. He hopes to improve the education system, revamp the health system, and reduce the damning effects of corruption.


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