Affiliation | Fidesz |
Name | Pál Schmitt |
Address | , , Hungary |
Email | None |
Website | None |
Born |
May 13, 1942
(82 years)
Contributor | Gerald Farinas |
Last Modifed | Sesel Aug 16, 2012 02:28am |
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Info | Pal Schmitt is a Hungarian member of the IOC since 1983.
Married to Katalin Makray; three daughters. Doctor of Philosophy, University of Physical Education, Budapest, Hungary. Bachelor of Science, University of Economics, Budapest University. Speaks English, German, French, Spanish, Hungarian.
Positions on the administrative staff of several hotels in the Hungaro chain (1965-1981); director of the National Stadium and of the organizations run by the National Hungarian Sports Authority (OTSH) (1981-); Vice-president of the National Office for Physical Education and Sport (1983); Hungarian Ambassador to Spain (1993-1997) then to Switzerland (1999).
IOC member since 1983; member of the Executive Board (1991-1999); Vice-President of the IOC (1995-1999); Chairman of the Sport and Environment Commission (1995-); Vice-Chairman of the Athletes' Commission (1984-1988); member of the following Commissions: Study for the Preparation of the Olympic Games (1985-1991), Coordination for the Winter Games, Albertville 1992 (1989-1992) and Lillehammer 1994 (1989-1994), Eligibility (1989-1992), Olympic Movement (1993-1999), Olympic Collectors (1994-1995), Council of the Olympic Order (1995-1999), �IOC 2000� (Executive Committee, 1999); IOC Chief of Protocol (1999).
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