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  Tittle, Sheila "Samm"
NameSheila "Samm" Tittle
Address82 Grove Ln.
Fredericksburg, Virginia , United States
Website [Link]
Born 00, 1952 (73 years)
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Mar 04, 2024 11:48pm
InfoSheila Tittle, commonly known as Samm, has been a successful business woman most of her life, starting back to her earliest age of recollection, where she worked for her affluent Spanish grandparents in Albuquerque, New Mexico. However Samm personally grew up in an underprivileged home in El Paso, Texas. Her mother was of an aristocrat “Blue blood” Spanish family, Don and Dona Gaspar Garcia, whose family were asked by the United States Government to come to the United States to begin, build, and nurture a Spanish influence of growth. This is the backdrop of her respect for all people of Latin culture as well as all people and their cultures and traditions. Her maternal family were of and grew amongst the Apache and Navajo Indian tribes. The fact that Samm was not so privileged, knowing what it is and what it was like to "be without" re-enforces her understanding of many people's plight in becoming part of, “We the People“, of the United States.

Samm performed extreme physical work, at a very young age, in long hot summer days for her Uncle Gaspar Garcia, who was an influential developer and builder of the homes in the surrounding area of Albuquerque and Santa Fe, New Mexico, where just "a little girl" she carried adobe bricks, in an assembly line to those that were laying those bricks. Her Uncle Nick Garcia was instrumental in the growth of many of the quaint architectural buildings, shops and restaurants in Albuquerque, New Mexico and as Owner of quite a few properties in Historic Old Town Square, overlooked by San Felipe Catholic Church in Albuquerque, Nick Garcia was an influence in what it is today.

Her grandfather Marcos Telles on her father’s side was born in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, while her paternal grandmother Isidra Telles was born in Chihuahua, Mexico. Marcos immigrated to the United States, relocated, and then transplanted his family. Samm grew up with her father, First Generation American, Armando Marcos Telles and her mother Lita Garcia Telles in El Paso, Texas within five minutes from the Mexican border. Proud to be the Second Generation American, she believes in her Father and Mother's Patriotism, learning, then loving it at a very young age. Her love of country before family ensured this "their Country" will go on. She loves and cherishes this great United States of America, not for what she could take from it, but what she could give to it. Her experience in this “best of both worlds” has been her foundation in understanding the difficulties of “the poor” to the “aspiring successful entrepreneur” being able to relate to all immigrants finding and then making their way in the United States, as she and her family have done.

Samm attended NOVA and is an El Paso High School Graduate, after graduating from St. Patrick’s Parochial School through her elementary days. Her continuing education is extensive through many different courses as she has aspired and worked through her successful business experiences, while holding together her family. She is widowed after being married twenty three years to the same man, her first business partner; and is mother to one son, who is also a successful businessman in his own right today.

Samm has demonstrated, through her business and business acumen over the years, her bold desire to be an asset to the growth of the United States. She knows that if we run the government like a well oiled business, America can regain her solid prosperity for all. Samm enjoys business and realizes that it is now necessary, more than ever before, to enforce the work of the men and women of the Senate, the House of Representatives and all Government workers to contribute and correct the welfare, meaning well being, of this country.

Armando Marcos Telles
United States Navy ~ World War II

Years of that bold desire to be an asset to the growth of the United States have included working in jobs including but not limited to: waitress, typing clerk, bookkeeper, warehouse clerk, janitor, insurance underwriting, emergency road service dispatcher, secretary, administrative assistant, diplomatic ambassador. In association with Government Contracting she was required to hold a Security Clearance for her work in the import export part of that business. She also was an administrative stenographer, job placement agent, supervisor, manager, circuit court interpreter, a para-legal, and salesman.

In highlighting some of the positions Samm has worked in like you, "the backbone of America", throughout her years of employment they are: owner operator of various companies including an employment agency, a residential & commercial cleaning service, a product distribution and services business, and a lending institution under federal, state, and county laws and regulations; with eleven years of solid "hands on" experience. She fully knows, with her years of well rounded “hands on experience“, she will undoubtedly best serve others as a Public Servant to the people in the United States through the Presidency; thereby elected in 2012. She knows with her hands on experience, further including that of creating jobs for others, along with her dedication while employed in some of the toughest industries, sometimes pretty dirty jobs; just how hard it is to make ends meet and how tired you are at the end of the workday.

Samm is able to answer some of the toughest and sometimes complicated questions of "how to". In several of her recruiting positions her ability to realize potential employees' strengths and weaknesses to fill positions in large Law firms, Accounting firms and Engineering firms, small companies and Corporations with different departments. It was her task to find, recruit then interview, checking references, and then hiring at all levels of professional executives, engineers, drafting, administrative, and technical staff.

Significant in her successful accomplishments, which helps you know Samm have been the Owner Operator of several companies that she and her partner created then opened, creating jobs for themselves, sometimes after finding themselves unemployed. They then created jobs for several hundreds of others. Whenever there came a time when Samm was unemployed, solving the problem became effectively opening successful businesses. Through the years with hardwork, blood, sweat and tears, she helped many people both in employing them, then providing affordable services for the community. Samm's successes include a Residential & Commerical Cleaning Company from scratch, start to finish. She actually physically worked in them. Then an Employment Agency for both Labor Force and Executive Management, a Products & Distribution Company servicing such companies as Wal-Mart, Kmart, Giant, Safeway & other Grocery Stores, shoe stores and other outlets. She owned and operated a Lending Firm for eleven years responsible to Federal, State, City and County Laws & Regulations. She was closely associated with and responsible to ATF, Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms regarding the Sale of Weapons under Federal & State Laws, and always in compliance. She fully realizes for herself and others; that "A Country without Jobs means a Country without a Prospering Contributing Middle Class". Her first priority in the position of the Presidency is to create those jobs, understanding that every person with a job is a contributing person, supporting their neighbor's well being while effectively maintaining theirs.

Through Samm's being born into an Immigrant Father and Mother's love of country, love of people, dedication and service to the Constitution of the United States, Samm finds herself following in their footsteps, with even a stronger Patriotism. Samm considers herself a strict Constitutionalist based on her absolute strong sound conservative philosophy that enriches America and her people, intended for them by the Founding Fathers. The Founding Fathers were very aware that our nation had to remain a strong Republic with limited government, and responsibility going to the states. States participating in the growth of this Country means doing their part to futuristically grow the United States, not grow the Government.

Samm is a firm and solid opponent of excess and wasteful government spending, and these are not just clichés to her. She believes "Who doesn't know that WASTE and FRAUD must be dealt with, then stopped. She knows how to create jobs, thereby increasing the bottom line for the U.S. Economy. Immediately into office she can implement her plan, re-instituting the foundation for getting this prosperous country back on track. JOBS ! JOBS ! JOBS !


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