Job: Procurement & Specifications Specialist, County of Hawaii, Finance Department, Purchasing Division.
Born in Hilo. In Hawaii from birth
Web site:
Job history past 10 years:
County of Hawaii Finance Department: January 1995 to March 1996 Warehouse Person; March 1996 to April 2005 Buyer I; April 2005 to Sept 2005 Buyer III; Sept 2005 to Present Procurement Specialist.
Ever run for public office? When? Outcome?
First time running for public office.
Other civic experience or community service:
Former Board Member/Secretary Hilo AYSO Region 274; Current Board Member/Treasurer Hilo Intermediate; TSA.
Anything else you'd like voters to know about you?
Former Board Member/Finance Director for the Hilo Church of the Nazarene; Current member of New Hope Fellowship in Hilo.