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  Duggan, Mike
NameMike Duggan
Address9240 Dwight St
Detroit, Michigan , United States
Website [Link]
 X (Twitter)Duggan4Detroit
Born July 15, 1958 (66 years)
Last ModifedCharlotte Rose
Dec 04, 2024 02:21pm
Info Mike Duggan Accomplishments

Michael Duggan became president and CEO of the Detroit Medical Center in January 2004, when the system was facing possible hospital closures and thousands of layoffs. Under his leadership, DMC made a profit for the first time since 1997, and has been profitable every year since. DMC hospitals continually take high honors for nationally and regionally ranked hospitals in the U.S. News Media & World Report’s “Best Hospitals” rankings. These ratings are widely regarded as a standard of excellence in patient care. The Detroit Medical Center became a leader in the healthcare industry by bringing all eight of its hospitals online with an electronic medical record system (EMR), and has been consistently named one of the top 100 “most wired” hospitals in the nation by Hospital and Health Networks Magazine. DMC was the only health system in the nation to place four hospitals in the Leapfrog Group's Top Hospital list for patient quality and safety.

DMC was a clinically excellent, but physically aging, hospital system that had to compete with the gleaming glass and chrome towers of newer, suburban health centers. Michael Duggan set out to change the business model of the urban, non-profit system. He sought out, presided over, and in December 2010 closed a deal to sell DMC to the for-profit Vanguard Health Systems. With the deal came an immediate investment commitment of $850 million for new construction and extensive upgrades. Much of the work is already underway or completed and will serve the future of Detroit and make DMC a campus of the future for Detroiters and beyond.
In the Public Sector Service

Before joining the DMC, Duggan was Wayne County Prosecutor from 2001 to 2003, ushering in many new tactics and strategies. Prior to that, he was Deputy Wayne County Executive, where he oversaw 10 departments and 6,000 employees with an annual budget of $1.5 billion.

When he arrived in 1985, the County had suffered 17 straight years of budget deficits and faced a $130 million deficit in the general fund budget. Duggan was the primary architect of the solvency package which included restructuring the Resident County Hospitalization program and raising cigarette and airport parking taxes. As a result, the County eliminated the deficit and had 15 straight balanced budgets and five credit rating upgrades.

In 1996, Duggan helped negotiate the $545 million agreements with the Detroit Tigers and Detroit Lions to build new stadiums in downtown Detroit. He also headed the negotiating team with Northwest Airlines that developed a $1 billion agreement to build an expansion of Metro Airport including construction of the new Midfield Terminal.

Duggan also created a health plan for county businesses and uninsured workers that grew to more than 20,000 enrolled members in five years.

In 1991, at the request of the workers, he stepped in as the general manager of the SMART bus system where he negotiated an interim line of credit, restructured routes, cut maintenance expenses, modified union contracts, cut overhead and passed the SMART millage in 1995. Duggan successfully eliminated the deficit and had a 50 percent increase in bus service on the road.

Duggan is a graduate of Detroit Catholic Central, and received his undergraduate and law degrees from the University of Michigan.



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Mar 04, 2021 03:50pm Idiocy Detroit Mayor Duggan doubles down on not wanting J&J vaccine for 'foreseeable future'  Article IndyGeorgia 

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