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  Gattis, Lynn
NameLynn Gattis
Address1650 N. Shoreline Dr
Wasilla, Alaska , United States
Born Unknown
Contributoreddy 9_99
Last Modifedev
Nov 01, 2017 12:46pm
InfoLynn Gattis is a lifelong Alaskan business woman, property owner, and advocate…

She understands fiscal responsibility and appreciates the importance of jobs and the economy; she advocates for fair land use and resource development; and she knows the significance of education for the future of all Alaskans. Lynn understands the meaning of public-private partnerships that work to create good jobs and a produce a bright economic future for our state. She supports government that maintains reasonable and stable taxes, enacts meaningful regulations, provides quality education, supports reasonable cost of energy, provides public safety, and insists upon high neighborhood livability. Lynn was elected to the House of Representatives for District 7 in 2012, and has been involved and actively working for its residents in Juneau.

Lynn is a lifelong Alaskan, pilot, farmer and business owner who has lived in different areas of the state. Lynn and her family moved to the Mat Su over 25 years ago and raised their children here. Lynn has an undergraduate degree from the University of Alaska Anchorage in Aviation Tech and worked for several aviation companies in the state for many years while moving through the ranks.

Before getting involved with electoral politics, Lynn served on many local boards within her community, including being a board member of the Goose Creek Citizens Advisory Board, the Pt. Mackenzie Comprehensive Plan and the Alaska Transportation Council. She has also been involved in many aspects within the Cub Scout and Boy Scout communities as well as earning the coveted “Lord Baden Powel Award” – she continues to support their endeavors.

In 2010, Lynn was elected to the Mat-Su School Board and then to the Alaska State Legislature in November of 2012, representing the Greater Wasilla area. Lynn currently sits on the House Finance Committee. She has previously served as Chair of the House Education Committee, Co-Chair of the Mat-Su Valley Delegation, and as a member of the Transportation, Fisheries, State Affairs, and Economic Development & Tourism Committees. She also served as Co-Chair of the Statewide Sustainable Education Task Force and was appointed as a member of the Education Commission of the States.


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  08/18/2020 AK State House 07 - R Primary Lost 30.65% (-38.70%)
  08/21/2018 AK Lt. Governor - R Primary Lost 10.35% (-25.41%)
  08/16/2016 AK Senate D - R Primary Lost 48.22% (-3.55%)
  11/04/2014 AK State House 07 Won 64.16% (+28.94%)
  11/06/2012 AK State House 09 Won 72.63% (+45.67%)
  08/28/2012 AK State House 09 - R Primary Won 61.35% (+22.71%)