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  Abu-Ghazaleh, Maad H.
NameMaad H. Abu-Ghazaleh
AddressP.O. Box 1219
Pacifica, California 94044, United States
Website [Link]
Born 00, 1962 (63 years)
ContributorUser 13
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Dec 17, 2023 07:03pm
Tags Arab -
InfoSoftware Consultant

Maad Abu-Ghazalah was born in Nablus in the West Bank in 1962 and grew up in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, a town built by a US/Saudi oil company, Aramco. He immigrated to America in 1979 because of his awareness and admiration of the freedoms espoused by the Founding Fathers of this country and the Constitution and Bill of Rights upon which it was built.

Maad attended the University of Notre Dame (Indiana) where he received a Bachelors degree in mathematics in 1983. He went on to receive a Masters degree in computer science from the University of Virginia in 1985 and a law degree from Santa Clara University in 1993.

Since receiving his Master's degree, Maad has been in the forefront of the hi-technology culture. He was naturally drawn to Silicon Valley where he arrived in 1990 and became actively engaged in the hi-technology boom as a freelance software consultant. In 1996, he founded his own company, MAG Systems, based on software he designed for patent attorneys. The software is currently installed in 70 law firms and corporations

Maad has written extensively and has been published in the Middle East Report and the Al-Ahram Weekly. Maad also served as the President of the San Francisco Chapter of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee where he has volunteered his time since 1997.

Maad is an animal-lover and currently has two cats.



Title Purchase Contributor

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

Importance? 0.00000 Average


  03/02/2004 CA - District 12 - D Primary Lost 6.77% (-66.88%)
  11/05/2002 CA DIstrict 12 Lost 7.10% (-61.03%)
CA - District 12 - Nov 02, 2004 G Patricia "Pat" Gray